DEV Community

Ethern Myth
Ethern Myth

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There's more to everything as more to the world

How do you cover the world in 1 hour and think you know the world. Something's cannot be detailed over some hours, books, films, and sound. They become an eclipse to our attention. This the reading to get you through the stone you tripping over, whilst being able to move a mountain.

But first, Who am I trying to reach here? Everyone with curiosity to allow the world to open the rubix's cube to them. Once you see blind, you know vision. Now, take what you read and take it upon your development, coding or learning environment, this removes a margin to what you think you know, to what you already have known.

Simply, what I mean is grow beyond what you have already acquired. Think apart from what you have acquired and see yourself as the everlasting world of possibilities. Example, If you know React for only front-end, you haven't done enough. You should be able to use React as your backend, How?. That's for you to find out. This goes for everything you thought you knew. How to fit a square in a circle? Impossible right!

Don't forget to do the basics.

šŸ and out.

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