DEV Community

Ethan Zerad
Ethan Zerad

Posted on

The 61st Day of the 100 Days of Code Challenge

Hey everyone!

This has been quite a good day. I worked on exploring solutions to improve the latency in the assistant project I'm working on and it's looking promising. There's so many new developments in the field of low-latency calls, allowing for performance that isn't any less than insane.

I worked on a way to benchmark the LLM-powered implementation I'm using which looks fairly good and will allow me to analyze the latency a bit further, something I plan to do using Claude (I've been loving it so far!).

I'm optimistic about what's to come next in terms of latency, I'll work on integrating some of these new developments I mentioned above in this implementation and see what it gets me!

To human-like behavior and above, happy coding!

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