DEV Community

Ethan Zerad
Ethan Zerad

Posted on

The 39th Day of the 100 Days of Code Challenge

Hey everyone! As I'm still on vacation, I couldn't do as much as I wanted to. I worked on a project for a client and spent some time debugging a problem related to the concurreny in the real-time transcription app. When the server works on transcribing the audio data, it stops receiving new audio chunks, and then once the transcription is done, the socket is overloaded, the client disconnects and the application doesn't work for longer than 10 seconds. Has to do with the paradigm the transcription process is using (reactive programming) but nothing too serious, already have a few solutions in mind from the debugging session although a separate thread didn't work (which understanding why is beyond me).

Super excited to get back and start constantly working on all this! So many ideas in mind and so excited to work on my existing projects and create new ones!

Happy coding everyone!

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