DEV Community

Ethan Zerad
Ethan Zerad

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The 11th day of the 100 Days of Code challenge

This day was a day of travel, I just landed and sadly didn't get much in. I only watched 30 minutes of an app design tutorial and just finished reading the Atomic Habits book for 10 minutes. It's 2:30AM as I'm writing this and for tomorrow, I'm planning to finish the tutorial and hopefully create a prototype for my app's homepage. There's also another small project I'm planning on making that shouldn't take too long at all.

The next week will be a bit packed but I'll do my best to fit in as much programming-related stuff as possible.

As for my reading session, it's obvious and not obvious at the same time how we have relationships with the things in our environment that affect our habits. For example, your phone can be used for just about anything. Be it for productivity or for social media. For a lot of people, it'd be harder to be productive on their phone, as they associate it with browsing social media. The phone is the cue to start browsing. Setting specific environments for specific habits and avoiding mixing, will allow for those environments to become clear cues of the habit. Even with limited space, if you dedicated one table for working and one table for personal time, that would already make for two different cues initating different habits.

That's about it,
happy coding!

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