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Ermal Shuli

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Location Tirana (Albania) Joined Joined on  twitter website
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Which is the best book to learn Angular?

Which is the best book to learn Angular?

Comments 4
1 min read

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Did JavaScript objects have static methods before ES6 class static methods?

Did JavaScript objects have static methods before ES6 class static methods?

Comments 2
1 min read
Is it possible to share npm packages between multiple projects

Is it possible to share npm packages between multiple projects

Comments 4
1 min read
How would you go about applying for programming jobs is you have significant speech problems?

How would you go about applying for programming jobs is you have significant speech problems?

Comments 2
1 min read
Which visual studio code extension is the best for creating todo/bookmarks?

Which visual studio code extension is the best for creating todo/bookmarks?

Comments 2
1 min read
Which browsers should I try to support when creating a portfolio?

Which browsers should I try to support when creating a portfolio?

Comments 16
1 min read
How should I let employers know that my speech is not very good

How should I let employers know that my speech is not very good

Comments 3
1 min read
Should I apply for jobs with lot's of small projects which I already have, or take the time to build a full app?

Should I apply for jobs with lot's of small projects which I already have, or take the time to build a full app?

Comments 8
2 min read
When applying for a job, how would I make it clear that I can't do phone interviews due to speech problems?

When applying for a job, how would I make it clear that I can't do phone interviews due to speech problems?

Comments 4
1 min read
Would fake projects/websites really get you a mid-level job as a web designer?

Would fake projects/websites really get you a mid-level job as a web designer?

Comments 8
1 min read
What are some project ideas that beginners can work on to show in their portfolio?

What are some project ideas that beginners can work on to show in their portfolio?

Comments 26
1 min read
Is it possible to get a web development job if I have a 6 year gap?

Is it possible to get a web development job if I have a 6 year gap?

Comments 12
3 min read