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Linux Essentials: The Singular Six

Erika Heidi on March 07, 2020

If you had to choose the most essential Linux commands to troubleshoot servers, those you really can't live without, what would that list look like...
muneersyed156 profile image
Mohammad Muneer Syed
awk, top, free, du, df, sed
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ghost profile image

First of all I would cheat, and put

1) htop, with it you can check resources, you'll need something to see if RAM or CPU is being hammered, and is a cheat because you can also kill and a basic ps functionality :)

well could be glances, you get extra info but you lose renice and kill

2) not really cheating but I would add cat, with it you can read a file, like tail but the whole thing and you can write on it (or Vim? could it be Vim? or better neovim?).

cp, ls and rm are unavoidable I think (unless you really cheat) but I also think that is you add them you have to add cd and sudo which is excesive

3) man should definetely be in the list

4) something for networking, nmap, ip or tcpdump? maybe?

5) df

6) mpv, you can't fix a computer without proper music, that's nonsense. unless is remote, in that case ssh and listen music in your phone (that's cheating too).

endy_tj profile image
Endy Tjahjono

Six would be too few haha
ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, ssh, scp, sudo, grep, less, cat, tail, vim.

ibrahimcesar profile image
Ibrahim Cesar

Well, you can’t go anywhere without cd

joshdaone profile image
Joshua Tu

Great illustration!
cd, cp, chmod, chown, netstat, curl, wget, and most important, nano. XD

robkenis profile image
Rob Kenis

You misspelled vim :)

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

Whoa, don't "kill -9" unless you have to. Try "kill" (without "-9") first, to let the process shutdown gracefully.

chris_beef profile image
Chris B

Very good. Also df-h to check the disk space in case run out!

rafaelcg profile image
Rafael Corrêa Gomes

Excellent, thank you for sharing Erika!

t04glovern profile image
Nathan Glover

That artwork is AMAZING 👏
My picks are too dissimilar either.

erikaheidi profile image
Erika Heidi

Thank you! 😊❤️

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra

Someone asked me this:

How can we change the document root of apache webserver to /web directory?

scriptmunkee profile image
Ken Simeon • Edited

Edit your httpd.conf file located in either /etc/httpd/ or /etc/httpd/conf/ and change the ServerRoot path to your desired destination. Or you can create a non standard file path using the <Directory /> or <VirtualHost />.

See the Apache web server documentation.>

erikaheidi profile image
Erika Heidi

Yes! What Ken said. If you would like to create a virtual host instead, I'd recommend this tutorial: