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Eric Willis
Eric Willis

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Replit's 100 Days of Code (Day 13 Challenge)

Day 13 jumps straight into the task. We are creating a "Grade Generator".

I'll get started and report back.

This is presented as the first "major" project that we'll build. "This project is going to take some time (and some hard thinking) but will be brilliant once you have it working!"

I'm a bit nervous as I don't feel like I've fully grasped everything nor did I breeze through the previous days.

Did much better on this than I imagined. I got through it with very little help. The only thing I needed to do was google how to add color to a word.

This is probably rudimentary but it's an accomplishment for me. Here is my code:

print("This is a grade generator")
print("Enter the grades for each assignment")
print("Python Skills Grade:")
nameOfTest = input("What is the name of the test?")
maxScore = int(input("What is the maximum score?"))
yourScore = int(input("What is your score?"))
percentage = (yourScore/maxScore)*100
print("Your percentage is:", percentage)
if percentage >= 90:
print("You got an A 🎉")
elif percentage >= 80:
print("You got a B 🎉")
elif percentage >= 70:
print("you got a C 😐")
elif percentage >= 60:
print("You got a D 😔")
elif percentage < 60:
print("\033[0;31m" + "You got a U 😔")
print("Try again!")

One thing I forget to do sometimes is close out my code with the else statement at the end. I've done that multiple times. It's a bad habit that I need to correct.

Day 14 is the first game. I'm a bit worried about that one. I'll probably go back and redo lessons 11-15 just to make sure things stick. Sometimes I do feel like I'm cheating as Replit will make a suggestion that helps finish a line of code for me. I understand the code and was going to write it anyway. However, I feel like I should just not click tab to complete it just so that I get used to writing things out on my own.

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