Hooks Rundown
React Hooks allow users to pass and access data within functional components in React. They allow users to access built-in React features such as state, context, and more. If you haven't yet encountered Hooks, read more about them here.
The Cheat Sheet
The point of this post isn't to teach you hooks; It's to give you an easy guide to refer to without digging through the docs because you forgot some simple syntax. I'll provide a more in-depth explanation of each hook below if you ever need a refresher.
import { useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef } from 'react'
useState : Access and modify internal state objects
const [name, setName] = useState("default_user")
- Takes one optional parameter that sets the default value of the state object
- Returns a reference to internal state object and a setter function for that state object
- Triggers a rerender of the whole component which is default behavior when state is changed
useEffect : Call a function whenever a component is rendered or a state dependency is changed
useEffect(callbackFunction, [dependencies])
- Takes 1 required parameter: a function and 1 optional parameter: an array of dependencies
[ ]
- no dependencies, only runs on initial component render -
- runs when variable name is changed, including initial render -
- all states are dependencies, runs on initial render and every state change / rerender
- Calls given function whenever dependencies are changed
useContext : Access internal context props provided by parent
const user = React.useContext(MyContext)
- Takes one argument: the context object created with
- Returns whatever data was passed to the context provider value
Create context object
const UserContext = React.createContext()
Create context provider
function UserProvider({children}){ const user = { name: "puppy_lover_2024", avatar: "pexels.com/photo/puppy/" } return( <UserContext.Provider value={user}> {children} </UserContext.Provider> ) }
Wrap children components in context provider
function App() { return ( <UserProvider> [screenComponents] </UserProvider> ) }
Access the context using the useContext in a child component
const user = React.useContext(UserContext)
useRef - references in internal variable that persists across rerenders but does not trigger them
const numRenders = useRef(1)
- Takes one argument: a default value for the variable
- Returns a reference to that variable which has a property
that can be treated like any prop/variable -
Useful for keeping track of previous state values and referencing DOM elements
function ReferencedDiv({children}){ const currentDiv = useRef() return( <div ref={currentDiv}> {children} </div> ) }
import { useParams, useRouteError, useOutletContext, useNavigate } from 'react-router-DOM
useParams - access data stored in current URL
const params = useParams()
- Takes no arguments
Returns object with a key of whate the router was told to expect and a value of the parameter that exists in the link itself
- In Router:
{ path: "/profile/:name", element <ProfilePage/> }
- In Link:
<Link to={ `/profile/puppy_lover_2024` }> View Profile </Link>
- Returned:
return( useParams() ) -> { name: "/profile/puppy_lover_2024" }
useNavigate - Returns function to programmatically navigate to given route
const navigate = useNavigate()
- Takes no arguments
Returns a function that will navigate to given route param
const navigate = useNavigate() ... navigate("/login")
useRouteError - catch any error in the UI and reroute to this component
const error = useRouteError()
- Takes no arguments
- Returns the error that caused the reroute to this page / component
useOutletContext - accesses data stored in the direct parent Outlet's context
const myData = useOutletContext()
- Takes no arguments
Returns the object passed to
parameter in parent- In Outlet (parent component):
<Outlet context={ name: "puppy_lover_2024" }>
- Returned :
return( useOutletContext() ) -> { name: "/profile/puppy_lover_2024" }
Only works if the Outlet is this components direct parent
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