DEV Community

Discussion on: Let's talk about an unnecessary but popular Vue plugin

erainey profile image
Eric Rainey

Some great insights here and as far as your questions go, my opinions are:

1) Small plugins/packages can be really useful, and I think this aspect of web development is a carry-over from the jQuery days where you could easily import a script to handle some kind of UI feature without writing your own. It has an appeal in the sense that it is a time saver as well as having some sort of "credibility" as a published open source tool that others have used in their own projects.

However, this leads to relying on plugins being a crutch, and I think that it can hinder developers from improving their skills by leaning on them too much. I know when I first started, I tended to use these scripts a lot, and became frustrated when they didn't do exactly what I needed it to do. This led me to start writing my own solutions and I think that exercise is what helped me improve my own skills.

2) I don't think the onus of offering alternatives should be placed on the plugin developer. Most well-curated plugins have some kind of documentation, and a lot of the times, it has some high-level description of what it does, and perhaps why it was created in the first place. It's often phrased like a sales pitch, but I can understand why. The plugin developer wants people to use their tool; after all, that's why they open sourced it in the first place, right? I think a "buyer beware" policy should be followed by any who want to use these types of tools.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Omg, "jQuery plugins" make my blood boil.

- here's a vanilla-DOM library
- do you have a version for jQuery?

Or even:
- here's a library of pure functions that don't touch the DOM.
- so modern, so modular! But how do I use it with jQuery?

maciek134 profile image
Maciej Sopyło

That's because so many people learned jQuery without learning JS, so they were scared of if. Dark times...

Thread Thread
qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Well, I was so scared of jQuery, I just avoided the clientside all together until it left.