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Je Phiri
Je Phiri

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Improving Java script load time on sites

Improving the loading speed of JavaScript on a website is crucial for enhancing user experience, especially on mobile devices where performance is often a concern.

Here are some strategies to make JavaScript load faster:

1. Minimize and Compress JavaScript Files
Minification: Remove unnecessary characters (like spaces, comments, and line breaks) from your JavaScript code. Tools like UglifyJS or Terser can automate this process. Run tests to determine code speed
Compression: Use Gzip or Brotli to compress your JavaScript files, reducing their size and making them quicker to download.
2. Use Asynchronous Loading
Async Attribute: Add the async attribute to your tags to download JavaScript files asynchronously, allowing the HTML parsing to continue while the script loads.<br> Defer Attribute: Use the defer attribute to ensure scripts are executed after the HTML document has been completely parsed, preventing render-blocking. </p> <p>html</p> <script src="script.js" async>

3. Load JavaScript at the End of the Body

Place your tags at the end of the <body> section. This allows the HTML content to load first, improving the perceived load time.</p>

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Je Phiri • Edited

4. Split JavaScript Files (Code-Splitting)

Break down large JavaScript files into smaller, modular files that can be loaded only when needed. Tools like Webpack support code-splitting, reducing the amount of JavaScript that needs to be loaded initially.

5. Lazy Loading

Load JavaScript only when necessary, such as when a user interacts with a particular element. This can be implemented using Intersection Observer or event listeners for user actions.

6. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Serve your JavaScript files from a CDN. CDNs are optimized for faster delivery of content, reducing the distance between your users and the server.

7. Avoid Using Inline JavaScript

Externalize your JavaScript to separate files rather than embedding it directly in your HTML. This allows browsers to cache the files, improving loading times for repeat visitors.

8. Optimize Your Code

Refactor your JavaScript code to be more efficient. Avoid heavy computations and redundant operations, and reduce the use of memory-heavy features.

9. Cache JavaScript Files

Set up appropriate cache headers on your server to cache JavaScript files in the browser, reducing load times for returning visitors.

10. Preload Critical Scripts

Use the tag to preload essential JavaScript files. This hints the browser to download these files as early as possible.


<link rel="preload" href="critical-script.js" as="script">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

11. Bundle and Optimize Dependencies

If using libraries or frameworks (like React, Angular), make sure to bundle and tree-shake (remove unused code) them using tools like Webpack or Rollup. This reduces the overall size of the JavaScript that needs to be loaded.

12. Eliminate Unused JavaScript

Analyze and remove any JavaScript code that isn't being used. Tools like Chrome's DevTools can help identify unused code during development. I applied this method on the pharmacy website and it worked greatly.

13. Prioritize Critical JS

Identify and prioritize the loading of essential JavaScript that affects above-the-fold content, deferring or loading non-essential scripts later.

By applying these techniques, you can significantly improve the loading speed of JavaScript on your website, leading to a better user experience and potentially higher SEO rankings.