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Caching Anaconda environments on GitHub Actions

My Workflow

One of the most time-consuming tasks on my workflows is the solving, download and installation of Anaconda environments. In some cases, just solving the dependencies can take up to 10 minutes depending on the platform you are building on.

This workflow aims to save time and computational resources by caching deployed Anaconda environments using the actions/cache task and the conda-incubator/setup-miniconda action.

Shorter build times and better resource management will benefit not just your organization but also the environment.

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Speed up your builds by caching Anaconda environments on GitHub Actions

cache-conda-envs 🐍 ⚡

Speed up your builds by caching Anaconda environments on GitHub Actions

Additional Resources / Info

I'm glad to say that the results of my work have been recently added to the conda-incubator/setup-miniconda action's documentation and should reach more developers soon.

It's worth mentioning that the documentation of actions/cache included examples for many package managers, but not for conda. On the other hand, the setup-miniconda documentation described a way to cache the downloaded packages, but that method makes pipelines even slower.

Finally, I published a post describing the workflow step-by-step.

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