Related Episodes
- Episode 36: Upgrading Your Skills in 2020 with Paul Hudson
- Episode 34: Server-Side Swift with Tim Condon
- Episode 24: Continuous Integration with Kyle Newsome
- Episode 14: iOS App Architecture with René Cacheaux and Josh Berlin
Related Links
BrightDigit- Specialize in helping businesses build apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- 10 years of experience developing for a variety of Apple platform
- Helping dev shops which lack experience with Apple platforms and Swift
We have an opening for sponsors
- Do you have a product or service which can target our ever growing community of developers as well as technology and business leaders?
What is Code Quality
- Making Code that's easy to maintain
- Low Cyclomatic Complexity
- Making your code easily testable
- Your code should read like sentences
- Avoid fancy short code for more wordy code
- Messy code is easier to fix then over-engineered code
- While the integration may be complex, keep your code separated into simple parts
Why is Code Quality Important
- Saving Time = Saving Money
- Easy to Maintain and Easy to Update
- Shorter Onramp for New Developers
- Code Rots over Time (Delegation Patters vs Subscriber/Publisher Model)
- Addresses Tech Debt
When should you upgrade your code
- When it makes sense
- Use Interoperability (bridge headers, HostingControllers, ViewRepresentable, etc...) to slowly bridge the gap
- Be careful leaving too much old code behind
Good Swift Code Quality
- Use argument labels and parameter name correctly
- Avoid ternary operators
- Avoid switch statements with too much logic and cases
- Use Generics judiciously
- Extensions are great for separating Protocol implementation
Good Code Reviews and Pull Requests
- Clear your mind
- Use pull requests and templates
- Add context and details to the pull requests
- Use screen shots to show what the result is
- Communicate clearly what is going on
- Let them know what to look at and what is a work-in-progress
What Can Managers Do
- Set a great example
- Provide enough time to the team for quality code
- Have some background and experience with quality code
- Be attentive and open to what your developers say
- Allow time for unit testing
Code Quality Tools
- SwiftLint and SwiftFormat
- Codecov - for code coverage
- CodeFactor and CodeClimate - for code quality
- Having a human look at code is always best
- Be thoughtful and considerate for each decision
- Leo's Swift Package Automated CI Template - WIP
Social Media
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
Instagram - @brightdigit
Patreon - empowerappshow
Music from"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (