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Discussion on: My 2019 in books

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙 • Edited

I think the biggest reason was accessibility to books.

I moved apartments, and the new grocery store we would go to every weekend had a library near by, so I made it a habit of stopping by there to pick up a few more books. Also this was my first full year I had a full-time job, so I probably bought about ~15 books without feeling too guilty about it

And then I commute to work via train, and I always took a book with me. And some days if the book was really good, I'd read on the way home, and then keep on reading most of the night until I went to bed!

I will admit I was a bookworm as a kid, so I have always had a love of books but it's very easy to get lazy and just switch to reading Reddit / watching YouTube instead when I don't have any books around.

murrayvarey profile image

Awesome, thanks for the response! I can completely relate to the book-buying guilt.

My biggest reading boost came from charging my phone away from my bed. Removing that temptation was a game-changer for me.