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Majid Kareem

I'm a Fullstack developer with passion for React, a Blockchain developer and a Web 3.0 advocate and enthusiast. 😜

What is EIP2612 and How to Implement EIP2612 in NextJS?

What is EIP2612 and How to Implement EIP2612 in NextJS?

4 min read

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10 Youtube channels to enhance your skills as a frontend developer

10 Youtube channels to enhance your skills as a frontend developer

Comments 15
3 min read
Coding and testing as related to Blockchain security

Coding and testing as related to Blockchain security

Comments 2
3 min read
Intro to Blockchain Security

Intro to Blockchain Security

3 min read
Essential AI Tools to Boost Your Productivity as a Frontend developer

Essential AI Tools to Boost Your Productivity as a Frontend developer

Comments 1
5 min read
Common mistakes to avoid when using React Hooks

Common mistakes to avoid when using React Hooks

3 min read
Promises, Async/await in JavaScript

Promises, Async/await in JavaScript

4 min read
Understanding Asynchronous programming in JavaScript.

Understanding Asynchronous programming in JavaScript.

2 min read
Introduction to Smart Contracts (Solidity) Part 1

Introduction to Smart Contracts (Solidity) Part 1

Comments 1
5 min read
Create a Charity/Donation Platform on the Blockchain (part 1)

Create a Charity/Donation Platform on the Blockchain (part 1)

Comments 4
6 min read
Create a decentralized exchange (DEX) for ERC-20 token

Create a decentralized exchange (DEX) for ERC-20 token

Comments 1
3 min read
Major Difference between Web2 and Web3

Major Difference between Web2 and Web3

Comments 1
2 min read
Read and rename files in a directory with Nodejs fs package

Read and rename files in a directory with Nodejs fs package

3 min read
Working with Nodejs file system (fs) and path module

Working with Nodejs file system (fs) and path module

3 min read
Create a react app using context, hooks and reducers

Create a react app using context, hooks and reducers

4 min read