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Emily Riederer
Emily Riederer

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Column Names as Contracts

Software products use a range of strategies to make promises or contracts with their users. Mature code packages and APIs document expected inputs and outputs, check adherence with unit tests, and transparent reports of code coverage. Programs with graphical user interfaces form this contract through labels and icons on interactive components which explain their intent (for example, the “Save” button typically does not bulk-delete files).

Published data tables, however, exist in an ambiguous gray area; static enough not to be considered a “service” or “software”, yet too raw to earn the attention to user experience given to interfaces. This ambiguity can create a strange symbiosis between data produces and consumers. Producers may publish whatever data is accessible by the system or seems relevant, and consumers may be quick to assume tables or fields that “sound right” happen to be custom-fit for their top-of-mind question.

Metadata management solutions aim to solve this problem, and there are many promising developments in this space including Lyft’s Amundsen, LinkedIn’s DataHub, and Netflix’s Metacat. However, metadata solutions generally require a great degree of cooperation: producers must vigilantly maintain the documentation and consumers must studiously check it – despite such tools almost living outside of either party’s core toolkit and workflow.

Using controlled vocabularies for column names is a low-tech, low-friction approach to building a shared understanding of how each field in a data set is intended to work. In this post, I’ll introduce the concept with an example and demonstrate how controlled vocabularies can offer lightweight solutions to rote data validation, discoverability, and wrangling. I’ll illustrate these usability benefits with R packages including pointblank, collapsibleTree, and dplyr, but we’ll conclude by demonstrating how the same principles apply to other packages and languages.

Controlled Vocabulary

The basic idea of controlled vocabularies is to define upfront a set of words, phrases, or stubs with well-defined meanings which can be used to index information. When these stubs are defined for different types of information and pieces together in a consistent order, the vocabulary becomes of descriptive grammar that we can use to describe more complex content and behavior.

In the context of a data set, this vocabulary can also serve as a latent contract between data producers and data consumers and carry promises regarding different aspects of the data lineage, valid values, and appropriate uses. When used consistently across all of an organization’s tables, it can significantly scale data management and increase usability as knowledge from working with one dataset easily transfers to another.

For example, imagine we work at a ride-share company and are building a data table with one record per trip. What might a controlled vocabulary look like?1

Level 1: Measure Types

For reasons that will be evident in the examples, I like the first level of the hierarchy to generally capture a semi-generic “type” of the variable. This is not quite the same as data types in a programming language (e.g. bool, double, float) although everything with the same prefix should ultimately be cast in the same type. Instead, these data types imply both a type of information and appropriate usage patterns:

  • ID: Unique identified for an entity.
    • Numeric for more efficient storage and joins unless system of record generates IDs with characters
    • Likely a primary key in some other table
  • IND: Binary 0 or 1 indicator or an event occurence
    • Because always 0 or 1, can be averaged to find proportion occurence
    • Can consider calling IS instead of IND for even less ambiguity which case is labeled 1
  • N: Count of quantity or event occurrence
    • Always a non-negative integer
  • AMT: Sum-able real number amount. That is, any non-count amount that is “denominator-free”
  • VAL: Numeric variables that are not inherently sum-able
    • For example, rates and ratios that cannot be combined or numeric values like latitude and longitude for which typical arithmetic operations don’t make sense
  • DT: Date of some event
    • Always cast as a YYYY-MM-DD date
  • TM: Timestamp of some event
    • Always cast as a YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS timestamp
    • Distinguishing dates from timestamps will avoid faulty joins of two date fields arranged differently
  • CAT: Categorical variable as a character string (potentially encoded from an ID field)

While these are relatively generic, domain-specific categories can also be used. For example, since location is so important for ride-sharing, it might be worth having ADDR as a level 1 category.

Level 2: Measure Subjects

The best hierarchy varies widely by industry and the overall contents of a database – not just one table. Here, we expect to be interested in trip-attributed about many different subjects: the rider, driver, trip, etc. so the measure subject might be the logical next tier. We can define:

  • DRIVER: Information about the driver
  • RIDER: Information about the rider, the passenger who called the ride-share
  • TRIP: Information about the trip itself
  • ORIG: Information about the trip start (time and geography)
  • DEST: Information about the trip destination (time and geography)
  • COST: Information about components of the total cost (could be a subset of TRIP, but pertains to all parties and has high cardinality at the next tier, so we’ll break it out)

Of course, in a highly normalized database, measures of these different entities would exist in separate tables. However, this discipline in naming them would still be beneficial so quantities are unambiguous when an analyst combines them.

Levels 3-n: Details

The first few tiers of the hierarchy are critical to standardize to make our “performance promises” and to aid in data searchability. Later levels will be measure specific and may not be worth defining upfront. However, for concepts that are going to exist across many tables, it is worthwhile to pre-specify their names and precise formats. For example:

  • CITY: Should this be in all upper case? How should spaces in city name be treated?
  • ZIP: Should 6 digit or 10 digit zip codes be used?
  • LAT/LON: To how many decimals should latitude and longitude be geocoded? If the company only operate in certain geographic areas (e.g. the continental US), coarse cut-offs for these can be determined
  • DIST: Is distance measured in miles? Kilometers?
  • TIME: Are durations measured in seconds? Minutes?
  • RATING: What are valid ranges for other known quantities like star ratings?

Terminal “adjectives” could also be considered. For example, if the data-generating systems spit out analytically unideal quantities that should be preserved for data lineage purposes, suffixes such as _RAW and _CLEAN might denote version of the same variable in its original and manicured states, respectively.

Putting it all together

This structure now gives us a grammar to compactly name 35 variables in table:

  • ID_{DRIVER | RIDER | TRIP}: Unique identifier for party of the ride
  • DT_{ORIG | DEST}: Date at the trip’s start and end, respectively
  • TM_{ORIG | DEST}: Timestamp at the trip’s start and end, respectively
  • N_TRIP_{PASSENGERS | ORIG | DEST} Count of unique passengers, pick-up points, and drop-off points for the trip
  • N_DRIVER_SEATS: Count of passenger seats available in the driver’s car
  • AMT_TRIP_{DIST | TIME}: Total trip distance in miles traveled and time taken
  • AMT_COST_{TIME | DIST | BASE | FEES | SURGE | TIPS}: Amount of each cost component
  • IND_SURGE: Indicator variable if ride caled during surge pricing
  • CAT_TRIP_TYPE: Trip type, such as ‘Pool’, ‘Standard’, ‘Elite’
  • CAT_RIDER_TYPE: Rider status, such as ‘Basic’, ‘Frequent’, ‘Subscription’
  • VAL_{DRIVER | RIDER}_RATING: Average star rating of rider and driver
  • ADDR_{ORIG | DEST}_{STREET | CITY | STATE | ZIP}: Address components of trip’s start and end
  • VAL_{ORIG | DEST}_{LAT | LON}: Latitude and longitude of trip’s start and end

The fact that we can describe 35 variables in roughly 1/3 the number of rows already speaks to the value of this structure in helping data consumers build a strong mental model to quickly manipulate the data. But now we can demonstrate far greater value.

To start, we create a small fake data set using our schema. For simplicity, I simulate 18 of the 35 variables listed above:

#> 1 9609 3053 6987 2019-04-04 2019-04-04 1
#> 2 3012 6717 3908 2019-11-05 2019-11-05 1
#> 3 3714 7572 7682 2019-11-09 2019-11-09 2
#> 4 5512 8647 9204 2019-07-18 2019-07-18 2
#> 5 3433 6193 6694 2019-12-25 2019-12-25 2
#> 6 3513 5331 7866 2019-06-24 2019-06-24 1
#> 1 1 1 15.69979 1 1.026366
#> 2 1 1 31.23065 0 2.408868
#> 3 1 1 44.99116 1 2.621955
#> 4 1 1 40.81128 0 2.224670
#> 5 1 1 16.96796 0 2.348401
#> 6 1 1 34.64535 1 3.890317
#> 1 1.213468 41.51644 41.89883 94.58710 99.08311
#> 2 1.222781 41.73254 41.93823 103.75584 83.85737
#> 3 3.919056 41.48419 40.41150 102.93495 78.14845
#> 4 3.730373 41.81505 40.29633 109.73151 78.99505
#> 5 3.215162 40.48452 40.25619 114.15208 96.25317
#> 6 1.691096 40.01977 41.75532 71.33993 95.92089
#> 1 Elite Basic
#> 2 Elite Basic
#> 3 Standard Basic
#> 4 Elite Subscription
#> 5 Standard Frequent
#> 6 Pool Frequent
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Data Validation

The “promises” in variable names aren’t just there for decoration. They can actually help producers publish higher quality data my helping to automate data validation checks. Data quality is context-specific and requires effort on the consumer side, but setting up safeguards in any data pipeline can help detect and eliminate commonplace errors like duplicated or corrupt data.

Of course, setting up data validation pipelines isn’t the most exciting part of any data engineer’s job. But that’s where R’s pointblank package comes to the rescue with an excellent domain-specific language for common assertive data checks. Combining this syntax with dplyr's “select helpers” (such as starts_with()), the same validation pipeline could ensure many of the data’s promises are kept with no additional overhead. For example, N_ columns should be strictly non-negative and IND_ columns should always be either 0 or 1.

The following example demonstrate the R syntax to write such a pipeline in pointblank, but the package also allows rules to be specified in a standalone YAML file which could further increase portability between projects.

agent <-
  data_trips %>%
  create_agent(actions = action_levels(stop_at = 0.001)) %>%
  col_vals_gte(starts_with("N"), 0) %>%
  col_vals_gte(starts_with("N"), 0) %>%
  col_vals_not_null(starts_with("IND")) %>%
  col_vals_in_set(starts_with("IND"), c(0,1)) %>%
  col_is_date(starts_with("DT")) %>%
  col_vals_between(matches("_LAT(_|$)"), 19, 65) %>%
  col_vals_between(matches("_LON(_|$)"), -162, -68) %>%
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In the example above, just 7 lines of portable table-agnostic code end up creating 14 data validation checks. The results catch two errors. Upon investigation2, we find that our geocoder is incorrectly flipping the sign on longitude!

One could also imagine writing a linter or validator of the variables names themselves to check for typos, outliers that don’t follow common stubs, etc.

Data Discoverability

On the user side, a controlled vocabulary makes new data easier to explore. Although is is not and should not be a replacement for a true data dictionary, imagine how relatively easy it is to understand the following variables’ intent and navigate either a searchable tab of visualization of the output.

To make some accessible outputs, we can first wrangle the column names into a table of their own.

cols_trips <- names(data_trips)
cols_trips_split <- strsplit(cols_trips, split = "_")
cols_components <- data.frame(
  variable = cols_trips,
  level1 = vapply(cols_trips_split, FUN = function(x) x[1], FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
  level2 = vapply(cols_trips_split, FUN = function(x) x[2], FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
  level3 = vapply(cols_trips_split, FUN = function(x) x[3], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
#> variable level1 level2 level3
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Part of the metadata, then, could make it particularly easy to search by various stubs – whether that be the measure type (e.g. N or AMT) or the measure subject (e.g. RIDER or DRIVER).^[DT output with searchable columns3

datatable(cols_components, filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE))
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Similarly, we can use visualization to both validate and explore the available fields. Below, data fields are illustrated in a tree.

                hierarchy = paste0("level", 1:3),
                nodeSize = "leafCount"

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Depending on the type of exploraion being done, it might be more convenient to drilldown first by measure subject. collapsibleTree flexibly lets us control this by specifying the hierarchy.

                hierarchy = paste0("level", c(2,1,3)),
                nodeSize = "leafCount"

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These naming conventions are particularly friendly to a “passive search” via an IDE with autocomplete functionality. Simply typing “N_” and pausing or hitting tab might elicit a list of potential options of count variables in the data set.

More broadly, driving this standardization opens up interesting possibility for variable-first documentation. As our grammar for describing fields becomes richer and less ambiguous, it’s increasingly possible for users to explore a variable-first web of quantities and work their way back to the appropriate tables which contain them.

Data Wrangling

Controlled, hierarchical vocabularies also make basic data wrangling pipelines a breeze. By programming on the column names, we can appropriately summarize multiple pieces of data in the most relevant way.

For example, the following code uses dplyr's “select helpers” to sum up count variables where we might reasonably be interested in the total and find the arithmetic average of indicator variables to help us calculate the proportion of occurrences of an event (here, the incidence of surge pricing).

Note what our controlled vocabulary and the implied “contracts” have given us. We aren’t summing up fields like latitude and longitude which would have no inherent meaning. Conversely, we can confidently calculate proportions which we couldn’t do if there was a chance our indicator variable contained nulls or occasionally used other numbers (e.g. 2) to denote something like the surge severity instead of pure incidence.


data_trips %>%
  group_by(CAT_RIDER_TYPE) %>%
    across(starts_with("N_"), sum),
    across(starts_with("IND_"), mean)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Basic 51 35 35 0.571
#> 2 Frequent 39 27 27 0.481
#> 3 Subscription 54 38 38 0.5
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Addendum on Other Languages

The above examples use a few specific R packages with helpers that specifically operate on column names. However, the value of this approach is language agnostic since most popular languages for data manipulation support character pattern matching and wrangling operations specified by lists of variable names. We will conclude with a few examples.

Generating SQL

Although SQL is a hard language to “program on”, many programming-friendly tools offer SQL generators. For example, using dbplyr, we can use R to generate SQL code that sums up all of our count variables by rider type without having to type them out manually.


df_mem <- memdb_frame(data_trips, .name = "example_table")

df_mem %>%
  group_by(CAT_RIDER_TYPE) %>%
  summarize_at(vars(starts_with("N_")), sum, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
#> <SQL>
#> FROM `example_table`
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R - base & data.table

However, we aren’t of course limited just to tidyverse style coding. Similarly concise workflows exists in both base and data.table syntaxes. Suppose we wanted to summarize all numeric variables. First, we can use base::grep to find all column names that begin with N_.

cols_n <- grep("^N_", names(data_trips), value = TRUE)
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We can define the variables we want to group by in another vector.

cols_grp <- c("CAT_RIDER_TYPE")
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These vectors can be used in aggregation operations such as stats::aggregate:

aggregate(data_trips[cols_n], by = data_trips[cols_grp], FUN = sum)
#> 1 Basic 51 35 35
#> 2 Frequent 39 27 27
#> 3 Subscription 54 38 38
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Or with data.table syntax:

dt <-
dt[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = cols_grp, .SDcols = cols_n]
#> 1: Basic 51 35 35
#> 2: Subscription 54 38 38
#> 3: Frequent 39 27 27
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python pandas

Similarly, we can use list comprehensions in python to create a list of columns names matching a specific pattern (cols_n). This list and a list to define grouping variables can be passed to pandas's data manipulation methods.

import pandas as pd
# data = { 'ID_ACCT': [1,2,3],
# 'N_PLAYED': [1,2,3],
# 'N_SKIPPED': [1,2,3],
# 'IND_RENEW': [0,1,1],
# 'CAT_TIER': ['free','paid','family']
# }
# df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = data.keys())

cols_n = [vbl for vbl in data_trips.columns if vbl[0:2] == 'N_']
cols_grp = ["CAT_RIDER_TYPE"]

#> CAT_RIDER_TYPE                                               
#> Basic 51 35.0 35.0
#> Frequent 39 27.0 27.0
#> Subscription 54 38.0 38.0

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  1. Again, vocabularies should span a database – not just an individual dataset, but for simplicity we just talk through a smaller example. ↩︎

  2. the output of pointblank is actually an interactive table. For blog-specific reasons, I show only the png here. ↩︎

  3. As with pointblank, DT output is interactive, but my blog unfortunately reacts poorly to the extra JavaScript so for now I’m only showing an image ↩︎

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