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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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Best IDEs for Python in 2023

Choosing the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is of utmost importance when it comes to Python development. An IDE serves as a powerful tool that can significantly impact the efficiency, productivity, and overall experience of a developer. With the right IDE, developers can leverage a wide range of features and tools tailored specifically for Python, enabling them to write code more effectively and efficiently.

A suitable IDE provides essential functionalities like code completion, intelligent suggestions, and debugging tools, empowering developers to write code faster and with fewer errors. It helps ensure code quality through automated code formatting, style enforcement, and code analysis features, leading to cleaner and more maintainable codebases.

In 2023, the Python development ecosystem is thriving, and there is a wide range of powerful IDEs available to support developers. These IDEs have evolved to provide an extensive set of features, catering to the diverse needs of Python programmers.

In this article, we'll discuss some of the best IDEs available for Python in 2023:

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PyCharm: Best All-rounder IDE for Python in 2023

PyCharm stands as a dominant force in the realm of Python Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). Built by JetBrains, PyCharm offers an exceptional set of tools and features designed to enhance productivity and streamline Python development.

PyCharm serves as a comprehensive IDE specifically tailored for Python programming. It provides a robust and user-friendly environment for developers to write, debug, and manage their Python code. With its intelligent code editor, powerful navigation, and seamless integration with other tools, PyCharm has solidified its reputation as a go-to IDE for Python enthusiasts.

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Features and functionalities that make PyCharm stand out:

  1. Intelligent Code Assistance: PyCharm offers advanced code completion, error detection, and code inspections, enabling developers to write code faster and with fewer errors. It provides suggestions based on the context, aiding in improved coding efficiency.
  2. Robust Debugging Capabilities: PyCharm's built-in debugger allows for step-by-step code execution, breakpoints, and variable inspection, making it easier to identify and resolve issues. It empowers developers to dive into the code and understand its behavior effectively.
  3. Integrated Tools and Frameworks: PyCharm seamlessly integrates with popular Python frameworks such as Django, Flask, and scientific computing libraries like NumPy and Pandas. It provides specific project templates, code generation, and dedicated support for these frameworks, streamlining development processes.
  4. Version Control Integration: PyCharm supports various version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion, enabling seamless collaboration and efficient management of code repositories within the IDE itself.
  5. Productivity-Boosting Features: PyCharm offers a plethora of features aimed at improving productivity, such as intelligent refactoring, code formatting, automatic imports, and powerful search and navigation options. These features reduce manual effort and help developers focus on writing quality code.


  • Comprehensive and feature-rich IDE specifically designed for Python development.
  • Excellent code analysis, completion, and debugging capabilities.
  • Extensive integration with frameworks, tools, and version control systems.
  • Highly customizable and supports a wide range of plugins.
  • Regular updates and strong support from JetBrains.


  • PyCharm's extensive features and functionalities may be overwhelming for beginners or developers with simpler project requirements.
  • The full version of PyCharm requires a paid license for commercial use, although there is a free Community Edition available with limited features.
  • It can be resource-intensive and may require a powerful system configuration.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code): Best Lightweight IDE for Python in 2023

VS Code, developed by Microsoft, has gained widespread adoption due to its lightweight nature and extensibility. It serves as a cross-platform code editor that provides a seamless and efficient coding experience.

With its Python-specific extensions, debugging capabilities, and vast community support, it provides an excellent platform for writing high-quality Python code. While it may not offer all the features of a dedicated Python IDE, its versatility, performance, and extensive ecosystem of extensions make it a strong contender for Python developers of all levels

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Python-specific extensions and features available in VS Code:

  1. IntelliSense and Code Navigation: VS Code offers excellent IntelliSense, providing intelligent code completion, suggestions, and auto-imports. It helps developers write code faster and reduces errors. The editor also offers powerful code navigation features, enabling easy exploration of codebases.
  2. Debugging Capabilities: VS Code's debugging support for Python is top-notch. It allows developers to set breakpoints, step through code, inspect variables, and handle exceptions seamlessly. This helps in identifying and fixing bugs efficiently.
  3. Python Language Server: VS Code integrates with the Python Language Server, which provides features like real-time code analysis, diagnostics, and type checking. It enhances code quality and assists in catching errors early on.
  4. Extensive Python Extensions: VS Code boasts a rich collection of Python-specific extensions. These extensions offer additional features like linting, formatting, unit testing frameworks integration, and support for popular Python frameworks such as Django and Flask. They extend the editor's functionality and make it more tailored for Python development.


  • Lightweight and fast, making it ideal for both small scripts and large projects.
  • Excellent community support with a large user base, ensuring frequent updates, and a wide range of community-developed extensions.
  • Versatile and customizable, allowing developers to personalize their coding environment according to their preferences.
  • Seamless integration with Git and other version control systems for efficient collaboration.


  • While VS Code offers powerful Python capabilities, it may not have all the advanced features of a dedicated Python IDE like PyCharm.
  • The extensive range of available extensions can be overwhelming for newcomers, requiring careful selection to avoid performance issues or conflicts.
  • Deep customization might require tweaking settings and configurations, which can be time-consuming.

Jupyter Notebook: Best Python IDE for Data Science

Jupyter Notebook has revolutionized the way developers and data scientists work with Python. Offering an interactive and exploratory coding environment, Jupyter Notebook has become an indispensable tool in various fields.

Jupyter Notebook provides an interactive platform that combines code, visualizations, and explanatory text in a single document. It allows developers to execute code in a step-by-step manner, making it ideal for experimentation, prototyping, and sharing insights. Jupyter Notebook supports multiple programming languages, but it particularly shines in its support for Python.

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Unique features and benefits of using Jupyter Notebook for Python projects:

  1. Live Code Execution: Jupyter Notebook allows for the execution of code cells individually or in a sequential manner. This interactive workflow encourages exploration and iterative development, facilitating the understanding of code behavior.
  2. Rich Visualizations: Jupyter Notebook supports the integration of visualizations, including graphs, charts, and interactive plots, within the notebook itself. This enables developers to create dynamic and informative data visualizations alongside their code, enhancing storytelling and data analysis capabilities.
  3. Markdown and Documentation: With support for Markdown, Jupyter Notebook allows developers to document their code, providing explanations, insights, and documentation in a narrative format. This makes notebooks an effective tool for sharing code, analyses, and research findings with others.
  4. Easy Data Manipulation: Jupyter Notebook seamlessly integrates with Python's powerful data manipulation libraries such as NumPy and Pandas. This facilitates data cleaning, preprocessing, and analysis, making it an excellent choice for data science and data-driven projects.

Although the Jupyter Notebook can be incredible for data science related fields, it also limits its use cases. Currently, the Jupyter Notebook is mainly used for data exploration and analysis, prototyping, machine learning, and related experimentations. Running computationally intensive tasks or working with large datasets in Jupyter Notebook may strain system resources. In such cases, utilizing cloud-based solutions or switching to other IDEs may be more suitable.

Lightly IDE: Best Cloud IDEs for Python in 2023

Lightly IDE is an emerging cloud-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is gaining attention among developers. With its focus on simplicity, flexibility, and cloud-based collaboration, Lightly IDE offers a unique coding experience.

Lightly IDE distinguishes itself as a cloud-based IDE that allows developers to code, collaborate, and deploy projects effortlessly. With its intuitive user interface and seamless integration with cloud services, Lightly IDE provides an accessible and flexible development environment. It eliminates the need for complex local setups and enables developers to work from any device with an internet connection.

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Python features available in Lightly IDE:

  1. Preconfigured Python Environment: Lightly IDE offers a preconfigured Python environment, saving developers the hassle of setting up Python dependencies and libraries. This allows for a seamless start to coding and reduces the setup time significantly.
  2. AI and Machine Learning Features: Lightly IDE provides built-in support for AI and machine learning workflows. It integrates with popular libraries and frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, empowering developers to create and train machine learning models directly within the IDE.
  3. Database Integration: Lightly IDE offers easy integration with databases, enabling developers to connect and query databases directly from their projects. This facilitates data management, retrieval, and analysis within the IDE itself.
  4. Hosting and Deployment: Lightly IDE simplifies the process of hosting and deploying Python projects. It provides straightforward deployment options, allowing developers to showcase their projects or web applications with ease.


  • Accessibility and Collaboration: Lightly IDE's cloud-based nature allows for easy collaboration and seamless access to projects from anywhere, fostering teamwork and remote development.
  • Simplified Setup and Configuration: With preconfigured Python environments and integrated cloud services, Lightly IDE reduces the time and effort spent on setup and configuration, enabling developers to focus more on coding.

Best IDEs for Python in 2023

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