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Emi Castellano
Emi Castellano

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JavaScript - Strategy pattern 🧠

Do you want to avoid writing multiple if/else if or switch statement with a bunch of cases inside?

The strategy pattern can help us with that.

Imagine we have a use case where the user can sign up using different methods:

  • Google Auth
  • Facebook Auth
  • Form submission

We want to avoid this:

const AUTH_METHODS = {

const googleAuth = _ => {
  // ... Google auth code here

const facebookAuth = _ => {
  // ... Facebook Auth code here

const formSubmissionAuth = _ => {
  // ... Form submission code here

const handleAuthentication = method => {
  if (method === AUTH_METHODS.GOOGLE) {
  } else if (method === AUTH_METHODS.FACEBOOK) {
  } else {
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How can we improve this using the strategy pattern?

const AUTH_METHODS = {

const googleAuth = _ => {
  // ... Google auth code here

const facebookAuth = _ => {
  // ... Facebook Auth code here

const formSubmissionAuth = _ => {
  // ... Form submission code here

const authenticationStrategy = method => ({
  [AUTH_METHODS.GOOGLE]: googleAuth,
  [AUTH_METHODS.FACEBOOK]: facebookAuth,

const strategy = authenticationStrategy(AUTH_METHODS.GOOGLE)
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And if we want to pass parameters to some of the strategy functions, we can do it like this:

const authenticationStrategy = method => ({
  [AUTH_METHODS.GOOGLE]: googleAuth,
  [AUTH_METHODS.FACEBOOK]: facebookAuth,
  [AUTH_METHODS.FORM_SUBMISSION]: () => formSubmissionAuth({ username: 'javascript', password: 'strategyPattern' })
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The strategy pattern, returns an object with key/value pair and what determines which key is the one to be "executed" is the [method] at the end, this is the dependency of our function, whatever value we pass there it will be mapped to the corresponding object key.

Top comments (2)

halbano profile image

Nice article Emi!
I tipically use the same approach for picking the right component based in conditions working with React and React Native too. Despite this would be not as aligned as your use case with the "strategy" term, the usage improves from my point of view readability and clarity.

emi_castellano profile image
Emi Castellano

Thanks dude, yeah that’s also a good scenario to take advantage of this pattern and increase code readability. 😁