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Cover image for My Thoughts on Karim Tahiroglu's Book "I Want to Be a Programmer"
Emil Maharramov
Emil Maharramov

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My Thoughts on Karim Tahiroglu's Book "I Want to Be a Programmer"

Over the past week, I had the opportunity to read this book, which I received from Mr. Vahid. The book covers a wide range of topics, from version control in programming to clean code principles, KISS, DRY, YAGNI, and SOLID principles, as well as career development.

One of the sections that particularly caught my interest was the history of the programming world and Martin Fowler's quote: "Anyone can write code that a computer can understand, but the true skill is writing code that humans can understand."

This book is an invaluable resource for those who want to delve deeper into the field of programming. I strongly recommend that everyone reads this book!

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