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Heru Hartanto
Heru Hartanto

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How to use 'effect' hook easy way

Hooks are additional in react 16.8, Hooks let us to use state and other React features without writing class wooow 😎

In previous post I was explained about useState, in this post I will explain about useEffect.
In sort useEffect let us perform side effect after we render component, let see example below.

Example using class component

class PlusOne extends React.Component{
    // prepare and declaring state 
    this.state = {
    componentDidMount() {
        document.title = `hit ${this.state.count} times`;
    componentDidUpdate() {
        document.title = `hit ${this.state.count} times`;
    render() {
                <p>you hit {this.state.count}</p>
                <button onClick={() => this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })}>
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Example function components using hooks

gently reminder that hooks doesn't work with class component

   // import useState and useEffect from react lib
   import React, { useState,useEffect } from 'react';
   function PlusOne() {
       const[count,setCount]= useState(0); /* first count variable value set to 0 */
            use effect let us express side effect after component rendered.   
           document.title = `hit ${count} times`; 
       },[count]) // only re-run effect if count changes
            <p> you hit {count} </p>
            <button onClick={()=> setCount(count+1)}>
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Top comments (3)

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

I think it may be better if you include your explanation as markdown text outside of the code blocks, rather than comments in the code itself. I would love to see more explanation and your perspective of why you prefer writing hooks over class components!

mohdahmad1 profile image
Mohd Ahmad

Please add syntax highlighting, it will be easy to read.

do it by adding js(or any other programming language name) after backticks(```)

let x = 100

let x = 100
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let x = 100

let x = 100
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Notice js after ``` or backticks you prefer

elukuro profile image
Heru Hartanto

you're my hero 😊