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Discussion on: Mocking AWS with Jest (and TypeScript)

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Matt Morgan

I'm not mocking the query, just the API, so I have to mock each method (get, put, etc) of the API, but don't need to write individual mocks for each query.

As I wrote in the post, I have experience with localstack. Needing to get each service into the correct state (setup, teardown) for tests to run in a continuous integration pipeline (which now needs Docker or localstack installed, of course) was considerably more work for me on the projects I employed that technique than writing a few jest mocks was. For my money, localstack is nearly as much overhead as just using a non-production AWS account and the latter is considerably easier to debug.

But ultimately my approach is a different approach. I am deliberately avoiding testing the AWS service. I'm only testing my own code - how does it form the correct payload for a call to an AWS service and how does it handle the expected response? That seems appropriate for a unit test. Thanks for reading and your thoughts!