DEV Community

Discussion on: Templating Puppet Control Repositories

elserhumano profile image

Hello, excellent article Raphaël, I am looking to do something similar in my company to manage the configurations of our clients, I see that it works well as an initial template, but what happens later when you already have your manifests? This is something that made me very curious and I'm going to try it! Any suggestions would be welcome! :)

raphink profile image
Raphaël Pinson

Thanks for the comment.

This is not just an initial templating system. We use modulesync to push every change to the template, so all the files managed by the templates are kept up-to-date through time.

As for keeping your manifests in proper shape and following good practices, have a look at puppet-lint. See for example my article on cleaning up Puppet code, which mentions it:

elserhumano profile image

Great Raphaël, nice tip!
Thx again!