In the same style as the Love is ... comic, write your best Programming is ... line.
To start this off, an adaptation of a Louis Srygley quote:
[Without requirements or design, ]
Programming is ... the art of adding bugs to an empty text file.
Header image adapted from Geek & Poke
Top comments (76)
Programming is ... an exercise in managed uncertainty.
Programming is ... the art of sending stack overflow a lot traffic.
Programming is... pain, anyone who tells you differently is selling something.
Pain + reward ... hopefully :)
Most of the time, at least :)
Oh no 😱 That is not right. It should not ever be like that.
Soo... what are you selling? :P
import english
print(“Programming is ... “ + english.words[“programming”].definitions[0])
Programming is ... a perpetual process where you start to overthink, and use it to overcomplicate simple concepts.
Programming is ... the mud on your hand that won't wash off.
Programming is ... the path to the dark side. Programming leads to bugs, bugs lead to debugging, debugging leads to suffering.
Programming is ... the closest you'll ever get to learning magic.
Programming is... a compelling yet abusive relationship.
Programming is... Learning that most software is not as well made as you used to think
Programming is... [SEGFAULT]
Introducing bugs in a manageable way until it works.😎
Programming is... ..but it was working on my local. 😔😔😫
Programming is ... endless abstraction
Programming is... drawing constellations in the night sky of 0s and 1s
Programming is ... feel like having superpowers, which we have to use with responsibility.
...or, in any kind - usefull at all.
I mean, i'm pretty sure it's not exactly irresponsible to create the 100th internal-tool-CRUD-app, but it kinda feels like using ironman's arc-reactor as a beer coster - useful in a technical sense, but somehow short of it's possibilities.