I saw this tweet during the recent #DevDicuss on Twitter.
Dear Landing Page,
If you could give me some, any information really without forcing me to give you my email address I would be forever grateful.
#DevDiscuss01:36 AM - 18 Sep 2019
I like the format of writing open letters to technology. Obviously technology cannot respond or even defend itself. But it's good to write away your annoyances.
What is your Dear Technology, ... letter?
Top comments (2)
Dear Windows Explorer,
I like all folders to have the same alphabetical listing of sub-folders and files. I do not enjoy having some folders showing big icons, others grouped by age, and some even displayed with a 5 star rating system.
I'm remindied of Eddie Izzard's computer rant:
"What do you mean, 'cannot access printer'? I can access printer, it's right here!" I relate, Eddie...