DEV Community

Discussion on: Live reloading with Ruby on Rails and esbuild

elmassimo profile image
Máximo Mussini

Interesting dive into the topic, and certainly a good learning exercise.

Once you have a dependency on node, using jsbundling-rails is not as compelling.

If you enjoy HMR and auto-reload, I'd recommend using Vite Rails, and optionally add:

davidcolbyatx profile image
David Colby

Hey Máximo, thanks for your reply!

I'm a big fan of Vite and use it regularly with Rails in personal projects — thanks for all of your work there!

This article is mostly for folks who are trying to make the switch from Webpacker and want to stick close to the default Rails menu. For them, switching to esbuild via jsbundling-rails is likely to be a common path and since the default esbuild install you get with jsbundling-rails doesn't come with a config at all, it feels valuable to help folks start to put some of the pieces together.

Having a little bit of insight into how things work outside of Webpacker-land is valuable, and hopefully it will open the doors for folks with an interest to start to learn more about the broader set of options they have in this space, including Vite Rails.

elmassimo profile image
Máximo Mussini

Cool, and thanks! Really like the article, my comment was about the trade-offs jsbundling makes.

Anything that helps people to understand how things work is great 😃