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Discussion on: 9 ways to be kinder to trans people

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Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey Daniel, I thought I'd take a moment to share why I personally have my pronouns in my bio (clue: it's not actually about me at all). The word I like to use is "solidarity".

Using the word "brave" to describe trans people asking to have their appropriate pronouns applied to them says it all, really. Let's not assume that all trans people want to be "brave", nor that they should have to be to simply be given the respect of appropriate pronouns. When cis gender people stand alongside our trans friends/family/coworkers by specifying our own gender, whether or not it appears obvious, we "normalize" the act of specifying gender; if only trans people specify their gender in their bios, anyone who specifies their gender is immediately assumed to be trans.

I have the privilege of not having to care if someone misgenders me, but not everyone shares that privilege. It's a small thing I can do to make life that bit easier on and safer for other people, for whom life can be complex and unsafe in ways I'll never experience. If trans people are asking me to, as in Nočnica's post, why not take this small step to reduce prejudice in society?

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