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si coino
si coino

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What Is Jumper's Knee?

Jumper's knee is an injury of the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon is the cord- suchlike towel that joins the patella( kneecap) to the tibia( shinbone).

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Jumper's Knee?
Common symptoms of muumuu's knee include

pain below the kneecap, especially during sports, climbing stairs, and bending the knee
a blown knee joint
knee stiffness
What Causes Jumper's Knee?
Jumper's knee is an overuse injury ( when repeated movements injure a part of the body). It happens when frequent jumping, running, and changing direction damages the patellar tendon. It's also called patellar tendonitis.
Who Gets Jumper's Knee?
Jumper's knee generally affects people who play sports where there's a lot of jumping and handling, similar as track and field, basketball, volleyball, slimnastics, running, and soccer.

How Is Jumper's Knee Diagnosed?
To diagnose muumuu's knee, health care providers

ask about symptoms
do a physical test
order imaging tests similar as anX-ray or MRI, if demanded
How Is Jumper's Knee Treated?
Treatment for muumuu's knee includes
rest and taking a break from sports
ice taping or wearing a knee support or swatch just under the patella
sitting with the leg raised
ibuprofen( Advil, Motrin, or store brand) to help with pain and swelling
massage remedy
strengthening and stretching muscles through physical remedy or an at- home exercise program
still, the tendon can come more damaged, If someone with muumuu's knee doesn't rest the knee. Although it isn't common, surgery may be demanded if

the pain doesn't go down
the patellar tendon is more damaged than is typical with muumuu's knee
Looking Ahead
It generally takes a many weeks to months to recover from muumuu's knee.

To heal as snappily as possible, follow your health care provider's instructions about
which conditioning to avoid
which conditioning are OK (for illustration, swimming may be fine while you heal)
strengthening exercises
timber and keeping all follow- up croaker visit .

The knee is a joint that joins the ham bone( femur) to the top of the thigh bone( tibia). It's made up of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These corridor work together to make the legs bend, unbend, and swivel. A knee injury can damage one or further corridor of the knee.

What Causes Knee Injuries?
Teens may injure a knee in a fall or accident. Active and athletic teens might have overuse knee injuries. These be when someone trains too important or makes repetitious movements involving the knee.

Common knee injuries in teens include

sprains when a ligament stretches or gashes; for illustration, an anterior cruciate ligament( ACL) or medium collateral ligament (MCL) gash
strains when a muscle or tendon gashes part or all of the way
tendonitis when a tendon gets bothered or lit , generally from overuse or poor training( for illustration, in muumuu's knee)
meniscal gashes when the cartilage between the upper and lower leg bones( the menisci) gashes
fractures when a bone breaks
Disturbance of the patella (kneecap) when the kneecap slides out of place
Osgood- Schlatter complaint inflammation of the tendon that attaches the kneecap to the shinbone
Osteochondritis dissecans when a small piece of bone in the knee loses blood force and breaks off
bursitis lump of one of the fluid filled sacs that buffer the knee.
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of a Knee Injury?
The signs and symptoms of a knee injury depend on the cause. utmost knee injuries beget pain. A knee injury may also lead to the knee feeling weak," giving way," or" locking." Someone with a knee injury might not be suitable to completely bend or unbend the knee. The injured knee may be swollen or bruised.

How Are Knee Injuries Diagnosed?
To diagnose a knee injury, health care providers ask about how the injury happed and what symptoms it causes.

The health care provider will do a physical test that includes pressing on the knee and legs and moving them in certain ways. These tests can show what part of the knee is injured.
Imaging tests done occasionally used include

X-rays to check for injuries to the bones
a CT checkup or MRI to look inside the knee
How Are Knee Injuries Treated?
Treatment for a knee injury depends on the cause. Some knee injuries just need RICE

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Rest Ice
Compression( with an elastic girth)
Elevation( raising the injured knee)
Other knee injuries may need bracing, physical remedy, or indeed surgery.

Can Knee Injuries Be Averted?
To help help knee injuries
Be sure you wear the recommended defensive outfit for sports( similar as knee pads and thigh guards).
Wear probative athletic shoes that are in good condition.
During exercises, always warm up and cool down.
Do regular strength training to support muscles, and stretching or yoga to ameliorate inflexibility.
When jumping, bend the knees while wharf. This takes pressure off the ACL and prevents injury.
still, crouch and bend at the knees and hips to reduce the chances of an ACL injury, If you cut indirectly or pivot constantly( as in soccer).
still, exertion and training time- round — indeed if it's at a lower intensity than during the competitive season — can help you stay in shape and make an injury less likely, If you play just one sport.
What Differently Should I Know?
Still, it's important to know why, If your knee hurts. Go to a health care provider to find out what is causing the pain and to get treatment.

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