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Discussion on: Book Review: Code Complete

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Eljay-Adobe • Edited


I consider Code Complete one of my core books.

Also Clean Code, Writing Solid Code, Design Patterns, Anti-Patterns, The Design of Everyday Things, Debugging the Development Process, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

(Also some books that are technology specific: C++ Programming Language, C++ Coding Standards, Design and Evolution of C++, Eloquent JavaScript, JavaScript The Good Parts, The Book of F#, Large-Scale C++ Software Design*, WPF 4.5 Unleashed, Application = Code + Markup, Programming WPF. And methodology and/or process specific: Succeeding with Agile, The Scrum Guide.)

I've NOT read these books, but they've been highly recommended to me as "must read" books by people I respect & they're in my queue: The Pragmatic Programmer, The Clean Coder, Test-Drive Development by Example, Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests, Domain Driven Design, The Mythical Man-Month, The Cathedral & The Bazaar, Refactoring, Influencer, Getting More, Measuring and Managing Performance in Organizations, The Power of Habit, Drive, Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot, The Elements of Programming Style, The Elements of C Programming Style.

I've probably missed a few, I'm writing this off the top of my head. And there are probably many excellent books out there that I haven't been exposed to yet.

* Lakos's book is a bit out of date. Still very appropriate for my project. A second edition is supposed to be coming soon.