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Testing terraform with Pester

In this post I'd like show how you can create integrations tests for terraform with Pester, a powershell testing framework.

In this example I'll be using the Azure DevOps terraform provider along with the Azure Devops CLI, but these are just examples that can be replaced as needed for your tests.

All code snippets can be found in terraform-pester-devcontainer-example repository.


Terraform under test

The terraform below will be creating a project, a repository and a variable group

provider "azuredevops" {
  version = ">= 0.0.1"

resource "azuredevops_project" "test" {
  project_name = "test-project"

resource "azuredevops_git_repository" "test" {
  project_id =
  name       = "test-repo"
  initialization {
    init_type = "Clean"

resource "azuredevops_variable_group" "test" {
  project_id   =
  name         = "test-vg"
  allow_access = true

  variable {
    name  = "example_var_name"
    value = "example_var_value"

Pester tests

The tests will:

  1. apply terraform
  2. check validity of state against az devops CLI
  3. tear down the deployed infrastructure


function Get-ResourceState($address) {
    # Get state and resources after `terraform apply`
    $tfState = terraform show -json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $resources = $tfState.values.root_module.resources

    return $resources | Where-Object { $_.address -eq $address }

function Get-Project {
    return Get-ResourceState "azuredevops_project.test"

function Get-Repository {
    return Get-ResourceState "azuredevops_git_repository.test"

function Get-VariableGroup {
    return Get-ResourceState "azuredevops_variable_group.test"

Describe "Terraform Deployment" -Tag 'Deploy' { 
    Context "clean tfstate" {

        It "remove tfstate" {
            $tfStatePath = "./terraform.tfstate"
            if (Test-Path $tfStatePath -PathType leaf) {
                Remove-Item $tfStatePath -Force

        It "terraform initialize" {
            terraform init

        It "terraform apply" {
            $tfResult = terraform apply -auto-approve
            $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
            Write-Host $tfResult

        It "returns state for all resources" {
            Get-Project | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
            Get-Repository | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
            Get-VariableGroup | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

        It "returns a valid repostiory for the repository ID" {
            $repository = Get-Repository
            $ | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
            az repos show -r $ -p $repository.values.project_id --org ${env:AZDO_ORG_SERVICE_URL}
            $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0

        It "returns a valid variableGroup for the variableGroup ID" {
            $variableGroup = Get-VariableGroup
            $ | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
            az pipelines variable-group show --id $ -p $variableGroup.values.project_id --org ${env:AZDO_ORG_SERVICE_URL}
            $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0

        It "returns an empty plan when re-run" {
            # Run a terraform plan and check no changes are detected
            # `-detailed-exitcode` will cause the command to exit with 0 exit code
            # only if there are no diffs in the plan 
            # If this test fails it shows an issue with the `read` command returning different data between calls.

            terraform plan -out plan.tfstate -detailed-exitcode

            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                Write-Host "Detected terraform changes:"
                terraform show plan.tfstate

            $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0 -Because "plan should show no changes"

Describe "Terraform Destroy" -Tag 'Destroy' { 
    Context "existing tfstate" {

        It "ensure we have an existing terraform deployment" {
            "./terraform.tfstate" | Should -Exist

        It "terraform destroy" {
            $tfResult = terraform destroy -auto-approve
            $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
            Write-Host $tfResult


        It "clean up terraform files" {
            Remove-Item ./terraform.tfstate -Force
            Remove-Item ./terraform.tfstate.backup -Force
            Remove-Item ./plan.tfstate -Force

Run with

# OR

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