DEV Community

Elias Nogueira
Elias Nogueira

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Avoid the retry strategy to make your tests reliable

What is a retry strategy?

Retry strategy is an approach you can implement into your test to run it again when it fails by any condition: assertion error or exception.

If a test fails the retry strategy will execute it again N times leading to the successful execution when one of the N executions got success or to will fail if all N executions have failed.

What might cause a test exception?

  • Network
  • Concurrency
  • Configuration
  • Asynchronous Wait
  • Dynamic UI content
  • Test Order Dependency
  • Poor Data Management
  • [Add yours in the comment section]

Why you must avoid the retry strategy?

To get rid of the Non-Deterministic tests

Martin Fowler coined the term Non-Determinism which is the tests that sometimes pass and sometimes fail. You can read his article to get some tips on how to deal with it and to learn why retry isn’t an option.

You might found many articles saying that you can apply a retry strategy to identify flaky tests. If you apply it your test might fail during the first run and pass in the second or following ones, so you have a Non-Determinism test using the retry strategy (but you shouldn’t use it)

To properly investigate the root cause

I have seen many software engineers using retry strategies to reduce the amount of time they need to investigate the errors because they are saying that is hard to find the root cause for the network, waiting time, or test script issues.

Imagine that you are continuously running your tests, whatever are the levels you use, through a pipeline. You will trust in the end result and might now see the failures between the retries. So it extremely risky to rely on that.

We must properly investigate the root cause and provide a solution for the failures, otherwise, we will lose the confidence we have in the pipeline or any approach you are using to run the test.

Name yours

I would like to hear from you why you think the retry strategy should or shouldn’t be in use.

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