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Cheikhany Ejiwen
Cheikhany Ejiwen

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Introduction to the Path Module in Node.js

Path module is one of the most useful built-in modules in NodeJS. Be able to use this module efficiently increases the clarity and organization of our code on one hand, and shorten the time spending on maintaining it on the other hand. In this article, We're going to look at four helper functions to make path manipulation in our projects easier.


The path.dirname() method returns the directory name of a path. It's helpful to know the directory that a file is in.

let ourPath = path.dirname('c:/data/code/test.js');
console.log(ourPath) // return 'c:/data/code'
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The join method takes two ore more path segments and joins them into one string that can be used anywhere as file path. let's suppose that we need the file path of a jpg image (myDog.jpg) for simplicity's sake.

let filepath = path.join(__dirname, '/images/pics/',myDog,'jpg);
console.log(filePath); //returns 'C:/...../iamges/pics/myDog.jpg'
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the basename() method returns the name of the file or directory that the file path points to.

let ourBaseName =path.basename('D:/codeNia/mySite/index.html');
console.log(ourBaseName); //returns 'index.html'
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extname method allow us to know the extension of the given path.

let myHtml = path.extname('index.html);
console.log(myhtml) // returns .html
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That's it, but you can find more by checking out the official path documentation

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