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Ega Prasetya
Ega Prasetya

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Last night I talked with an administrative friend in my office, he told me what excel formulas he often uses in doing his work, here are some formulas ...

Excel Percentage Formula

Formula Persentase = Number1 / Number Total

Excel SUM Formula

SUM formula in Excel is used to add more than 2 variables, example:
Formula SUM = SUM(number1:number2)

Excel Average Formula

The average formula is used to find the average value of a list, example:
Formula Average = AVERAGE(number1:number2)

Excel Max Formula

The max formula is used to find the highest value of a series of values, example:
Formula Max = MAX(number1:number2)

Excel Min Formula

The max formula is used to find the lowest value of a series of values, example:
Formula Min = MIN(number1:number2)

Excel IF Formula

The function of the Excel IF formula is to provide results adjusting to the values ​​in a column, example:
Formula IF = IF(C6>10000;”MAHAL”;”MURAH”)

Excel Left Formula

The function of the Excel LEFT formula is to take several characters in a word or row of numbers, in order from left to right, example:
Formula LEFT = LEFT(cell to retrieve; number of characters to be displayed)

Excel Mid Formula

The function of the Excel MID formula is to take several characters in a word or a series of numbers, with a sequence of characters ranging from the order to how many and how many characters are taken, example:
Formula MID = MID(cell to be retrieved; starting from the number of characters; the number of characters to be displayed).

Excel Clean Formula

The function of the Excel CLEAN formula is to eliminate non-printable characters, example:
Formula Clean = CLEAN(Text).

Thanks for read mydocs, hope your enjoy it.

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