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Easy Math in Javascript

Javascript provides a Math-object, that covers a broad range of useful constants and functions. However, sometimes it may happen, your are missing a function or the builtin function does not provide what you need. And - not everybody is happy that all Math-functions need to be prefixed by the word "Math". But luckily, Javascript is a flexible language and there is some help.

Extending the "Math"-object

Actually, it can be seen as a weak point, that Javascript objects do not have any access protection. In our current case, this is an advantage. You can easily add new functions to the "Math"-object or even change the inbuilt ones. Here is an example of the round()-function, that does not allow to set decimals. But this can be easily fixed:

Math._round = Math.round
Math.round = (f, n = 0) => { 
  let m = Math.pow(10, n)
  return (Math._round(f * m) / m)
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Here, we store the initial round function in a new property called _round. Then we can overwrite the initial property with a new function.

We can also extend the Math-object with some useful stuff:

Math.PI2 = 2*Math.PI

// Range-Check: True if x in Range (L .. H)
Math.inRange = (x, L, H) => (x < L) ? false : x <= H  

// Constrain value: Limit x to range (L .. H)
Math.constrain = (x, L, H) => x < L ?  L : x > H ? H : x 
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The new functions work seamlessly as if they where inbuilt.

Math destructuring

So, and how to get rid of the Math-prefix? You can use object
destructuring here:

let {sin, cos, round, inRange, constrain, PI, PI2} = Math
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Now the functions are available in the global scope:

round(sin(0.1*PI2),3) // -> 0.588
inRange(3.158,2,4) // -> true
constrain(3.158,4,5) // -> 4
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You can play around with the code in

Top comments (5)

artydev profile image

Thank you Eckehard :-)

lionelrowe profile image
efpage profile image

Extending Math can be scoped, so I do not expect any trouble. Even destructuring should not cause more trouble than other naming conflicts. But you are perfectly true not to use it in libraries.

engrsakib profile image
Md Nazmus Sakib


poetryofcode profile image
Poetry Of Code

Very helpful!