DEV Community

Ender Ahmet Yurt
Ender Ahmet Yurt

Posted on

Why do you follow a person on Github?

I follow 137 people on Github. I follow some of them because of just my friend. They can be a really good developer but some followings don't push any code to Github for a while. I just worry why we follow a person on Github? What are your reasons? Why should we follow a person who hasn't any activities on Github?

  • being your friend
  • being your colleague
  • being a really good developer
  • being a good open source develop
  • being a famous guy like a big tech company CTO or etc
  • ...

The other point, I can ask, why do you push the unfollow button? That can be the second question. Actually, two questions are related to each other.


Top comments (2)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

I follow people who create neat things, or who seem like they follow and star cool things. It's a repo discovery method. I have yet to unfollow anyone.

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

This is roughly what I came to say. I don't follow many users (yet), but generally it's because I've interacted with them and found they have expressed interest in similar fields to what I would like to see repos about.