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-Driven terms

Here are some common "driven" terms related to various application engines and paradigms:

  1. Event-Driven: This paradigm focuses on responding to events or triggers, often used in systems like event-driven architecture or event-driven programming.

  2. Domain-Driven: Domain-driven design (DDD) is an approach to software development that emphasizes the importance of understanding and modeling the problem domain to create effective software solutions.

  3. Request-Driven: This term is often used in the context of web applications, where the system responds to incoming HTTP requests from clients.

  4. Data-Driven: Data-driven applications are those that rely heavily on data to make decisions and provide functionality, often seen in business intelligence or analytics systems.

  5. User-Driven: User-driven applications are designed with a strong focus on user interactions and experiences, ensuring that user needs and preferences are central to the design.

  6. Market-Driven: Market-driven applications or strategies are influenced by market demands, trends, and customer feedback to guide decision-making and product development.

  7. Content-Driven: Content-driven applications emphasize the creation, management, and delivery of content, such as content management systems (CMS).

  8. Test-Driven: Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development approach where tests are written before writing the actual code to ensure code correctness and functionality.

  9. Data-Event-Driven: This combines both data and event-driven concepts, often found in systems that process and react to data events in real-time, like IoT applications.

  10. Goal-Driven: Goal-driven applications focus on achieving specific objectives or goals, and their functionality is designed to align with these goals.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other "-driven" terms that can be specific to certain industries or technologies. Each of these terms represents a different approach or emphasis in how software applications or systems are designed and operated.

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