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Cover image for Day 940 : The Evidence

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Day 940 : The Evidence

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a good day at work. Started with a couple of meetings. Got to meet with my manager and show them what I've been working on, got some feedback and planned out the rest of the week. Replied to a couple of community questions. Spent the rest of the day working on some projects.

  • Personal : A chunk of last night was spent getting stuff ready for buying some property. I'm making sure I print everything for not only learning purposes, but also as the evidence that I'm doing everything right with trying to get this property. I was able to do a little work on my side project.

The photo shows the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia. The flats are covered in a thin layer of water, which reflects the sky like a mirror. The sky is a deep blue, and the sun is setting, casting a pink and purple glow over the flats. There are clouds dotting the sky. The flats are vast and empty.

So while I was setting up a wire transfer for the property, I figured why not refresh a page I've had open for a laptop that I've been looking at for a while but the specific model that I wanted was never available. Of course, today of all days, it would be available. So, I picked it up. I used my travel card so I'll get some miles for it. I've been spending too much money. haha Supposed to visit the land to get some soil tests and a survey done to make sure everything is on the up and up. Going to go through tracks for the radio show and work on my side project. I've started placing text in the layout that I've been working on. Coming together pretty nicely. Still working on binging "X-Men" animation episodes.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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