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Cover image for Day 933 : Start the Show

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Day 933 : Start the Show

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty chill day. Took some training so I could get that out of the way. Got confirmation on a technical question I had with my blog post to make sure what I'm saying is correct. Submitted the draft for a content review to make sure what I wrote is grammatically correct. Aside from a couple formatting things, it was good to go. Followed up with some community questions. Worked on some Web Components. Pretty good day to start the weekend off.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through some tracks and put together the set to start the show. Put together the playlist and looked up the social media profiles. I got the SVG loaded into my new project and was able to dynamically change it depending on the page. It's the same SVG that I have on my personal site so I just copied and pasted it over. I just needed to figure out how to trigger each of the "modes". I just need to position some things for the actual site. Also got a small change done on a button for my photo gallery project to fix the button show up as an oval. I'm planning to refactor the project to use the latest version of the framework so I can utilize the View Transitions that I've been playing with. To end the night, I watched some episodes of "Extraordinary".

This is a picture of a lush green forest with bright indirect sunlight shining through the canopy. The leaves are various shades of green and there is a branch with leaves in the foreground on the left side of the image. The background is blurred but there are hints of more trees and sunlight. The location is a forest in Barajul Tarnita, Romania.

Noticed that my track when out again on me. It happened yesterday and I had to restart the Chromebook. I just noticed that it happened when I went to a YouTube page. Not sure if it has anything to do with it, but I'll be keeping my eye on it. Luckily I had my Bluetooth mouse nearby. Going to eat dinner. Put the songs on my music player and order them for the radio show. I want to set up the deployment process for my quick side project to Cloudflare. I don't think I've ever used them before and the domain that I'm going to use is there. Interested in seeing how the experience will be. After that, I've got one more episode of "Extraordinary" left in Season 1. Maybe I'll start Season 2 depending on when I get done. I'm planning on binging the old "X-Men" animated show in preparation for watching the new episodes that are just coming out. So yeah, Saturday is the radio show at and Sunday is the study sessions at .

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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