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Cover image for Day 931 : Keep Moving

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Day 931 : Keep Moving

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty good day. Got some really good feedback my blog post on implementing a feature into a product from the folks that worked on the feature. I had a couple of more questions so I'm hoping to hear back so I can then get a content review going. Updated some documentation, code snippets and some tutorials. Followed up on some community questions. Just keep moving tickets! haha

  • Personal : Last night, I filled out a bunch of tracks for the radio show for upcoming dates. Didn't get to look up the social media profiles for the artists though. Went down a rabbit hole looking at land. Did some research on my side project. Watched another episode of "Extraordinary". The show is pretty hilarious.

The photo shows a beautiful landscape with a mountain range in the distance. The mountains are covered in snow. The foreground of the photo shows a valley with a pond. The valley is filled with green grass and yellow and red flowers. The sky is blue and there are some clouds in the sky. The location of the photo is East Fjords, Iceland.

Going to go through Bandcamp and pick up some projects and get my social media posts for Friday ready. Maybe put together the starter set of tracks for this week's radio show. I'm thinking create a starter project to try some stuff that I'll eventually need in my current side project..

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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