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Cover image for Day 67 : Amazing

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Day 67 : Amazing

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got up early to head to the convention center so we could set up. Got to my rental car and it was covered in ICE!!! I have never had to scrape ice of my windshield before. Made it to the venue. The size is tremendous! There is an indoor water park. I heard CodeMash had over 2000 attendees this year. In addition to talks, there were Maker rooms that we (Nexmo/Vonage) sponsored with 3D printers, lasers,and electronics. A KidzMash where children had their own free conference where they got to learn about 3D printers and other technologies. There was a board game room. Booths from a large amount of vendors.There was a huge ballroom where everyone got food. There were balloon animals! CodeMash in one word, Amazing! What a way to start off my JavaScript Developer Advocate role.

  • Personal : Not too much personal stuff done. Just got back to the hotel and super tired. Starting to nod off writing this. haha.

sunset over the countryside of Paptsdorf, Germany

Going to watch some YouTube and go to sleep. haha So tired.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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