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Cover image for Day 666 : Hot minute

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Day 666 : Hot minute

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a couple of meetings earlier in the today. Then spent the rest of the time doing creating tickets, research, reviewing some projects in a repo and some coding. Day flew by quick!

  • Personal : Last night, I worked on the proof of concept for my next project. Got pretty far, I think. There's a bunch of placeholder images, but I'm getting the data structure down for what I'll need to send from the back end.

Aerial view looking inland from the ocean at the rocky coast of Old Harry Rocks, England coming to a point in the center of the photo with some tall rock formation coming up out of the water.

Going to work on the details page of my side project. I think once I get it to a good place with all the elements that will be needed, I'll show it to my friend to get their feedback. I recently signed up to Curiosity Stream and Nebula. They show a bunch of documentaries and it's been a hot minute since I've watched one. Maybe it'll help me go to sleep earlier. haha.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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