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Cover image for Day 1021 : Won't End Well

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Day 1021 : Won't End Well

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty chill day. Found a bug in the application that I made while I was testing it out. Apparently there is a slight chance that some variables are not set by the time that I determine the current step. So if they are not set, the application would show that step even though the user already passed that step. Basically to fix it, I just delayed my function to determine the correct step by 1.5 seconds. Seems to work every time now. I pushed the fix and released a new version. The error didn't happen a lot, but the fact that it did happen at all was too much for me. I knew that if I left it, it won't end well if it happened during the conference. haha. I replied to some community questions. Booked the hotel for an upcoming

  • Personal : Last night, I went to the Orlando Developers meetup. It was good to see everyone and hang out. Met a bunch of new people as well. Got home kind of late but was able to buy the projects off Bandcamp that I would do a social media post blast on Friday. Went to sleep.

A view of a mountain range in the French Alps, specifically Mont Coin. The sun has set, leaving a vibrant pink and orange sky. There are purple flowers in the foreground, and lush green grass. In the distance, the mountain peaks are outlined in the soft light.

Went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show. Will probably go through a few more and start putting together the radio show for tomorrow. I think I may have enough to plan out in advance. After that, there's a couple of pages I want to get in the basic version of a side project done so that it can be used as a starting point for anyone else that wants to launch something similar. Probably watch an anime before heading to bed. Going to try and stay up late since it's a long weekend. Speaking of which. Since it's Labor Day on Monday, there will be no blog post since it's a day off. Going to eat dinner, complete my step goal and get to work.

Have a great night and long weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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