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Cover image for Day 1020 : In the Spot

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Day 1020 : In the Spot

liner notes:

  • Professional : Today flew by! Not sure where the time went. Had a couple of meetings in the morning. I then worked on updating the copy of the project I've been working on based on feedback and then submitted it to be reviewed and published. Responded to some community questions. Did some work on a blog post. Next thing I know, I needed to get ready to head out to a meetup later.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through some tracks for the radio show. I also got a list of prospective projects that I want to pick up on Bandcamp. I did some final research into some properties and sent an offer to the realtor. I think that's pretty much what I did.

A view of Krka National Park, Croatia. A small waterfall cascades down a rock face, forming a small pool. The water is crystal clear and turquoise. There are tall green trees and lush vegetation around the pool. The sun is shining through the trees, creating a dappled pattern on the ground. The air is humid and warm.

So, I'm sitting outside the venue for the meetup writing this blog post. Should be a good night catching up with folks and meeting new people. Depending on when I get back, I want to buy some projects on Bandcamp and finish up the social media posts for tomorrow. Alright, about to go in the spot.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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