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Cover image for Day 1019 : 12 Count

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Day 1019 : 12 Count

liner notes:

  • Professional : Started the day off the day helping out a coworker with their internal hackathon project. They were able to get it working. I responded to some community questions. Had a meeting. Spent the rest of the day submitting a new release for a review, getting together my submission for the internal hackathon and recording a video for it.

  • Personal : So I didn't get to post a blog post last night because the time I would normally be writing it, I was at a meetup setting up to live stream it. Had a good time. Met some new folks and caught up with people I met. I even got a chance to do a quick lightning talk. Got back pretty late. You can check out the recording. The application I wrote still worked even though the last time I streamed an event was a year ago!

An aerial view of a beach with foamy waves crashing on the shore. The sand is a pale yellow, and the water is a deep blue. The location is Palm Coast, United States.

Whew, I was so tired from last night, I fell asleep writing this blog post. I was out for the full 12 Count! haha Going to eat dinner and get my steps in. Also going to put together the projects I'll be picking up on Bandcamp and get those social media posts together. I want to go through some tracks for the radio show. Maybe do some coding if I'm feeling up to it. Going to get started. Just remembered there is another meetup happening tomorrow.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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