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Cover image for Day 1018 : Pay Attention

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Day 1018 : Pay Attention

liner notes:

  • Saturday : I got the radio show set up Friday evening so I had more time to work on my side project before heading to the station. Got a lot of stuff accomplished. Felt good going into the station. Had a great time doing the radio show. The recording of this week's show is at

Radio show episode image of a photo of Terry Crews in the crowd watching Breaking at the Olympics in Paris with the words Aug 24th 2024 Ruin Everything

  • Sunday : Had quite a productive day surprisingly considering it rained for a lot of the day. Did my study sessions at Got the post radio show promo tasks done. I demoed the proof of concept for a tool I created last week. I then refactored that tool and cleaned up some code to get it ready to add to I did some work on another project and added a feature I've been trying to get working. Also came up with an outline for some slides I want to make for a lightning talks. Ended the night watching an episode of "Suicide Squad Isekai". I think it was the final episode of the season. It was pretty good. They left a cliffhanger so I'm looking forward to watching another season.

  • Professional : Started the day off helping a coworker with a project they are working on. We were able to get it working. I responded to a couple of community questions. I added and modified some things on the demo application I made based on feedback which included taking a screenshot to make things a little more clearer for others. Also finally got some functionality that I wanted to add and was requested when I did the demo but I wasn't sure if I could get it working, but I got it working. Cleaned up the code and integrated it into a new installation and it worked again. I was going to add it to the official code, but ran out of time. I'll do it tomorrow.

  • Personal : During my lunch break, I worked on adding that tool to I created a new branch in the code base and started adding what I've been working on. Of course I ran into issues. No matter how perfect I get it in the proof of concept / demo phase, as soon as I move it over to another platform... problems. I think the main issues has to do with the bundling of the code. Where I built the demo, I don't think they bundle the code, but the framework I use for does. I thought I understood how to get around it, but it didn't work this time. I think the issue is that I had to add a dependency for a feature and call it from the node_modules in the code and I think when it bundles the site, it pulls the code and adds it to one file so there really isn't a node_modules folder or something. I normally use a CDN to get around all this, but for this feature, I couldn't use a CDN. I eventually got it working, but I think I may have changed more than I needed to because I only had my lunch break to get it working. Definitely need to pay attention that I'm doing more than needed, because that could lead to issues later. Try to keep it as light as possible.

A wooden structure with a roof, open on two sides, sits on a beach looking out at the ocean. The setting sun casts a warm orange and pink glow on the water and sky. A few birds fly in the distance. The location is San Diego, CA, United States.

First order of business is to finish up getting the tool on my site. Then I want to work on the slides for the lightning talk. There is an Orlando JS meetup happening tomorrow and I'd like to do a quick presentation. I'm also planning on streaming the event, so I'll have to double check to make sure everything still works. There's also some documentation that I want to look over so I can reply to someone about some land. I have no clue what I want to watch to end the night. Probably be "X-Men" since I still need to catch up. Off to eat dinner and complete my steps.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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