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Cover image for Day 1013 : Somehow

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Day 1013 : Somehow

liner notes:

  • Saturday : Went to the station and did the radio show. My co-host came through and a great time was had by all. The recording of this week's show is at

Radio show episode image of the logo for the Breaking competition at the Olympics 2024 in Paris with what looks like a circle with the top and bottom quadrants have a sneaker and the left and right quadrants look like parts of a vinyl record with the words Aug 18th 2024 Electric Boogaloo

  • Sunday : Had a really productive day. Did my study sessions were I got some stuff done. I worked out the layout for a page of my side project. Learned a couple of new things. Got all my other chores done. Ended the night watching "The Umbrella Academy".

  • Professional : Whew... today started off, umm... interestingly...but somehow ended on an upswing. Had my normal meeting with my manager in the morning and I thought I would put together a document that we can go over. I had like a good couple of hours to get it done. Before that though, I figured I could start the process of getting an application submitted for review so I could have that happening as soon as possible. Should have known... I ran into some issues and had someone more familiar with the process walk me through. It's a newer product so they were able to get some feedback to take to the team. We get to a good stopping point and the next thing I know, it's time to meet with my manager. They were super understanding, especially when the thing I was working on is for a project that is coming up. We just rescheduled to meet later in the week. So for the rest of the day, I got everything set up and submitted the application for review and then worked on that document.

  • Personal : I realized that I only have a couple of "The Umbrella Academy" left to watch. I really enjoyed the series. Hope it ends on a happy note, but with that show, you never know what will happen. haha I got the notification that the phone I've been looking at was available again so I placed an order. I did a bunch of research and by the time I was ready to purchase, it was unavailable. During the weekend, my folding table in the van fell, so I need to fix that. Awesome. This week, I got a Doctor's appointment this week as well as going to go and vote.

A close up image of a tree trunk with tangled roots and vines, with leaves in the background. The location is Botanic Gardens, Singapore.

Going to do some research on the voting ballot items before I head out to vote. I'll also go through some tracks for the radio show. Maybe do some side project coding. Definitely want to watch an episode of "The Umbrella Academy" and try to get to be early. Off to eat dinner and get my steps in.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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