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Day 1008 : Get Made

liner notes:

  • Saturday : I had the Olympics Breaking B-boys competition on in the background while I was finishing up putting together the radio show. During the break, I headed to the station. My co-host returned to the show after some time off, it was good to have them back. Had a really good time. The recording of this week's show is at

Radio show episode image of an illustration on the Google homepage of a cartoon bird break dancing on a mat for the Olympics in Paris with the words Aug 10th 2024 Breaking

  • Sunday : Did my study sessions. Got some stuff done. Not as much as I would have liked, but it was HIPHOP's Birthday and I spent some time to do a video to post to social media. It took way longer than I originally thought. Did some coding and went to sleep.

  • Professional : Had a quick meeting with the team to go start the new sprint. Had a quick chat with some folks on moving a proof of concept I made over to another platform. Besides a couple of small hurdles, it went the way I hoped. So that was going well. Had another meeting. Went back to working on the project and ran into a strange situation on the way I'm getting credentials that is different on the new platform, so I need to take that into account.

  • Personal : I did a little work on a page for my side project. It's coming together. I want to get the proof of concept working this week so I can start implementing it into the project.

A panoramic view of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China. The picture shows a collection of tall, thin rock formations shrouded in mist, reaching up into a pale, orange sky. The sun is setting behind the rock formations, casting long shadows across the park.

Going to work on my side project and watch the recordings of the Breaking event at the Olympics. I learned that "The Umbrella Academy" final season has been released. I'll be watching that throughout the week as well. I may go through some tracks for the radio show. Knowing me, I'll probably have the bump I encountered with the application I'm building for work running in the the back of my mind for possible solutions. A lot of times, for me, that is when solutions get made for coding blockers. If I think of any, I'll probably see if I can get it working before going to bed.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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