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Cover image for Day 1007 : The Carpenter

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Day 1007 : The Carpenter

liner notes:

  • Professional : Since it was Friday, it was a pretty chill day. Normally I don't have any meetings and I can focus on finishing up projects or getting to a good stopping point to pick up next week. I did find out that someone walked through the application I made for a hackathon was able to complete the task with no problems. That's good. Next step is to port the application to an environment that will allow others to spin up their own application so they can complete it. Spent the rest of the day finishing up this other demo application to showcase a new feature of an SDK that was recently released. It's kind of hard to see the feature in action without showing graphs and allowing the user to change certain things on the fly. Got it working pretty well. Next week, I'll clean the code up and have some other folks check it out and give me feedback.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through some tracks for the radio show. I started a proof of concept on how I want a page of my side project to look and work. I think that's pretty much it.

A photo of Monument Valley, Arizona, USA, at sunrise. The image shows the iconic rock formations of Monument Valley, with the sun rising behind them, casting a golden glow over the landscape. The sky is a vibrant orange and red, and the rock formations are silhouetted against the sky. In the foreground, there are patches of green grass and wildflowers.

So today was the start of Breaking at the Paris 2024 Olympics. This is the first year the event was added. Today was the B-Girls tournament. I believe one of the contestants is from Florida. It was pretty amazing to see a part of the culture in the Olympics. It was even better to hear a song called "The Carpenter" that some people I know made being played during one of the rounds. I've been to a few Jams before and I think I may try to go to the event in the next Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028. Tomorrow is the B-boys competition. Good thing it happens before the radio show. Speaking of the radio show, going to finish putting it together and then work on my side project. Radio show on Saturday at and Study Sessions at

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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