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Cover image for Day 1006 : Decided

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Day 1006 : Decided

liner notes:

  • Professional : Finally figured out what was happening with the demo application I built to showcase a new feature. My app was working, but just fine, but I needed to add another source. We will definitely need to be more explicit in the docs and blog post about what needs to happen to make the feature work. Started adding some more details to make it easier for the user to see the feature in action. It's coming together pretty well. I also finally uploaded another application to the repository, so that completes that project. Waiting to hear back some feedback for a proof of concept of a demo application for an upcoming conference. Going to start integrating and moving it into another platform. Also had a couple of meetings throughout the day as well. Pretty full day.

  • Personal : Last night, I picked up some projects on Bandcamp and started putting together the social media posts. Also went through tracks for the radio show. Spent some time researching a new Apple pencil because I think the one I had battery died and it's not charging. It will recognize the device, but won't write. Looked at some review videos and websites to decide between the one I had (Generation 2) or a slightly newer but not as many features version (USB-C). I went with the USB-C because it supports newer/more iPads, I can charge with a USB-C cable and I don't think I was really using some of the drawing focused features. Talking with a coworker, they think it could be a defect and I may be able to get a replacement. There's no Apple store near me, so I'll probably wait till next month when I'm in California, because there was a lot from what I remember. I went to sleep right after researching some features for my side project and didn't watch "X-Men: The Animated Series".

A picture of a stone path leading uphill toward a large snowy mountain peak with pink flowers on either side of the path. The sky is blue with white clouds.

The Apple pencil I ordered came in and so did the new travel backpack. Going to mess with them later. I normally take a walk during my lunch break, but it's been so hot and very UV index, I just decided to stay inside and work on something else. Today, I finished up the social media posts for tomorrow. I've been taking my walks in the morning before work and after I eat dinner in the early evening when it's cooler. Going to go through tracks for the radio show and start putting together the playlist. Try out the Apple pencil and sketch out some layouts for my side project. I want to see what I can fit in my travel backpack. I think I can get most of what I need for this upcoming conference trip in it. We'll see. Going to eat dinner and take this walk before it gets too dark.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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