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Cover image for Day 1000 : Opportunity Knocks

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Day 1000 : Opportunity Knocks

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a couple of meetings. Responded to some community questions. Spent the rest of the day refactoring and cleaning up some code from an application I made to use a new SDK.

  • Personal : I went to the OrlandoJS meetup last night. I rushed right after work, so I didn't get a chance to do a blog post yesterday. Got to see folks I haven't seen in a while and meet new people. Had an opportunity to do a lightning talk. When opportunity knocks, I'm down to do a talk. haha I created the slides earlier in the day in my light work site. It gave me a chance to test out the site and everything worked! The slides are at Spoke about a newer Web technology that I've been looking into. After the meetup, I went to the movie theater to watch "Deadpool and Wolverine". Pretty hilarious movie. I can see why it's doing so well. Made it back to my spot pretty late and just went to sleep.

A panoramic photo of a grassy meadow with a small dirt road in the foreground. The sun is setting over a mountain in the distance, casting long shadows and a golden glow across the meadow. The sky is a soft pink and blue, and there are a few trees scattered across the meadow. Location: North Bend, WA, USA

Still pretty tired from last night. Going to go through some tracks for the radio show. I'll also look through Bandcamp for projects to pick up this week. Maybe I'll start to put together the social media tracks. Putting together the slides for the lightning talk, I realized I didn't add some interactive elements that I normally have during my talks and workshops. I created this site a little differently than my other one, but I think I may have figured out how I can incorporate them. May try to get that working tonight. Probably end the night watching an episode of "X-Men: The Animated Series".

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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