DEV Community

Durgesh Shukla
Durgesh Shukla

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Crawl, Walk, Run framework to achieve ANYTHING new and colossal

  • For yourself / your organization while MINIMIZING the risk of failure.
  1. Crawl 🚼:
    This is the prototype phase where you get a crew of 1-3 people together to define the whys, whats and hows of the tool/project/program. This phase should focus on research, learning and laying the groundwork for a successful proof of concept. Quick and dirty - but yet bring out all the relevant questions to consider.

  2. Walk🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️:
    This is when you test and learn with the larger team or even across a few external stakeholders (trusted customers, reviewers, partners). The focus shifts to demonstrating business/technical value and justifying context specific to your important use cases. Get feedback and make the necessary tweaks to the approach and also set the success metrics.

  3. Run🏃🏿‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️:
    This is when to put all the necessary time, human capital and financial weight behind the project so that it gets adopted across the organization. You also iterate to better adapt/focus with regard to the environment and pollinate it externally. The key thing to be noted is you should always keep measuring the success metrics, and these may change as you do multiple iterations.

(Fly✈️, Teleport🌀: Going to talk about these approaches in my future posts. Hang in tight!)

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