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Durgesh Tambe
Durgesh Tambe

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Difference between Vue 2 & Vue 3

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. With the release of Vue 3, there are significant improvements and new features compared to Vue 2. This post will provide a detailed comparison between Vue 2 and Vue 3, highlighting key differences and enhancements, along with code snippets to illustrate these changes.

1. Reactivity System

Vue 2:


Vue 2's reactivity system is based on Object.defineProperty. This method intercepts property access and modifications by defining getters and setters for each property.

// Vue 2 reactivity using Object.defineProperty
const data = { message: 'Hello Vue 2' };

Object.defineProperty(data, 'message', {
  get() {
    // getter logic
  set(newValue) {
    // setter logic
    console.log('Message changed to:', newValue);

data.message = 'Hello World';  // Console: Message changed to: Hello World

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  • Property Addition/Deletion: Vue 2 cannot detect property additions or deletions dynamically.
  • Array Mutations: Vue 2 needs specific array mutation methods (push, pop, splice, etc.) to track changes, which can be limiting and less intuitive.

Vue 3:


Vue 3 uses ES6 Proxies for its reactivity system, which allows the framework to intercept and observe changes to objects and arrays in a more comprehensive and less intrusive manner.

// Vue 3 reactivity using Proxy
const data = Vue.reactive({ message: 'Hello Vue 3' });

Vue.watchEffect(() => {
  console.log('Message changed to:', data.message);

data.message = 'Hello World';  // Console: Message changed to: Hello World

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  • Dynamic Changes: Vue 3 can reactively detect property additions and deletions.

  • Better Performance: The Proxy-based system offers better performance and less overhead.

2. Composition API

Vue 2:


The Composition API is available via the Vue Composition API plugin.

// Vue 2 component using Options API
Vue.component('my-component', {
  data() {
    return {
      count: 0
  methods: {
    increment() {
  template: `<button @click="increment">{{ count }}</button>`

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Developers primarily use the Options API, which organizes component code into sections such as data, methods, computed, etc.

Vue 3:


The Composition API is natively built into Vue 3, providing an alternative to the Options API.

// Vue 3 component using Composition API
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const increment = () => count.value++;

    return { count, increment };
  template: `<button @click="increment">{{ count }}</button>`

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  • Logic Reuse: Facilitates better logic reuse and composition.
  • Code Organization: Allows grouping related logic together, making the code more modular and maintainable.

3. Performance

Vue 2:


Uses a traditional virtual DOM with a diffing algorithm.
Optimizations: Limited scope for optimizations, especially in large applications.

Vue 3:


Improved virtual DOM and optimized diffing algorithm.

Tree Shaking:

Enhanced tree shaking capabilities, resulting in smaller bundle sizes by eliminating unused code.

Memory Management:

Better memory usage due to more efficient data structures and optimizations.

4. TypeScript Support

Vue 2:

Basic Support:

Vue 2 has some TypeScript support, but it requires additional configuration and can be less seamless.


TypeScript tooling and support are not as integrated.

// Vue 2 with TypeScript
import Vue from 'vue';
import Component from 'vue-class-component';

export default class MyComponent extends Vue {
  message: string = 'Hello';

  greet() {

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Vue 3:

First-class Support:

Vue 3 offers first-class TypeScript support with better type inference and tooling.


Designed with TypeScript in mind, making it easier to use and providing a better development experience.

// Vue 3 with TypeScript
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const message = ref<string>('Hello');

    const greet = () => {

    return { message, greet };

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5. New Features and Enhancements

Vue 3 introduces several new features not available in Vue 2:

  • Teleport: Allows rendering a component in a different part of the DOM tree than its parent component. Useful for modals, tooltips, and similar UI elements.
<!-- Vue 3 Teleport feature -->
    <h1>Main Content</h1>
    <teleport to="#modals">
      <div class="modal">
        <p>This is a modal</p>

export default {
  name: 'App'

<!-- In your HTML -->
<div id="app"></div>
<div id="modals"></div>

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  • Fragments: Supports multiple root nodes in a component's template, eliminating the need for a single root element.
<!-- Vue 2 requires a single root element -->
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<!-- Vue 3 supports fragments with multiple root elements -->

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  • Suspense: A mechanism for handling asynchronous dependencies in components, providing a way to show fallback content while waiting for async operations to complete.
<!-- Vue 3 Suspense feature -->
    <template #default>
      <AsyncComponent />
    <template #fallback>

import { defineComponent, h } from 'vue';

const AsyncComponent = defineComponent({
  async setup() {
    const data = await fetchData();
    return () => h('div', data);

export default {
  components: {

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  • Multiple Root Elements: Components can have multiple root elements in their templates, providing more flexibility in template design.

6. Ecosystem

Vue 2:

Mature Ecosystem:

Vue 2 has a well-established ecosystem with a wide range of stable libraries, plugins, and tools.

Community Support:

Extensive community support and resources are available.

Vue 3:

Growing Ecosystem:

The Vue 3 ecosystem is rapidly growing, with many libraries and tools being updated or newly created to leverage Vue 3's features.


Some Vue 2 libraries may not yet be fully compatible, but the community is actively working on updates and new releases.

7. Migration

Vue 2 to Vue 3 Migration:

  • Migration Guide: The Vue team provides a detailed migration guide to assist developers in transitioning from Vue 2 to Vue 3. This guide outlines the necessary steps and breaking changes.
  • Compatibility Build: Vue 3 offers a compatibility build that provides backward compatibility for most Vue 2 APIs, enabling a gradual migration process.


  • Reactivity System: Vue 3's Proxy-based reactivity system is more efficient and flexible than Vue 2's Object.defineProperty system.
  • Composition API: Built-in and more powerful in Vue 3, enhancing code organization and logic reuse.
  • Performance: Significant improvements in Vue 3 with better rendering, tree shaking, and memory management.
  • TypeScript Support: Vue 3 offers first-class TypeScript support, making it easier to integrate and use.
  • New Features: Vue 3 introduces Teleport, Fragments, Suspense, and support for multiple root elements, providing more flexibility and powerful features.
  • Ecosystem: While Vue 2 has a mature ecosystem, Vue 3's ecosystem is rapidly growing with active community support.
  • Migration: Vue 3 provides tools and guides to facilitate migration from Vue 2, ensuring a smoother transition.

Vue 3 brings several improvements and new features over Vue 2, including a more efficient reactivity system, the built-in Composition API, enhanced performance, first-class TypeScript support, and new features like Teleport, Fragments, and Suspense. These changes provide more flexibility, better performance, and a more powerful framework for building modern web applications.

If you're starting a new project, Vue 3 is the recommended choice due to its advanced features and future support. For existing projects, Vue 2 still has a mature ecosystem and robust support, with a clear migration path to Vue 3.

Would you like more examples or explanations on any specific feature of Vue 2 or Vue 3? Let me know in the comments!

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